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Poland, Androscoggin County

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Androscoggin County (set off from Cumberland County in 1854)


1795 from Bakerstown Plantation

Previous Designations

Bakerstown Plantation

Varney writes in his Gazetteer of Maine (1881) that "In 1787, the State of Massachusetts sold to John Bridgham and John Glover all the land belonging to that commonwealth lying between the towns of New Gloucester, Gray, Otisfield and Shepherdfield (now Hebron and Oxford), and appointed Samuel Titcomb to survey the same. As surveyed by him, the tract included all of Bakerstown, excepting about 1,100 acres." This tract, adjoining Raymondtown, was known for a short time as "Gloversborough" (or "Gloverboro"), though Titcomb's survey calls it "Bridgetown."

The easterly side of the town was part of the Pejepscot Purchase

Boundary Changes

Land was set off to form Minot in 1802, Mechanic Falls in 1893

Part of Thompson Pond Plantation was annexed in 1830

Part of an 80-rod strip was annexed in 1838, the remainder annexed to Raymond

Land was set of to Danville (now part of Auburn in 1852), and to Casco and Otisfield in 1858

Locations and Settlements

East Poland, Empire, Empire Road (former railroad station at East Poland), Five Corners, Oak Hill, Poland (Poland Corner), Poland Spring, Promised Land, Riccars (former railroad station), South Poland, West Poland

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Auburn, Casco, Mechanic Falls, Minot, New Gloucester, Otisfield, Oxford, Raymond


Maine Historical Maps: Poland

Military Records

Mechanic Falls Civil War Soldiers

World War I Soldiers Index: Poland

Vital Records

Marriage Records of Rev. Jonathan Scott of Poland and Minot, 1796-1819

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Poland, Androscoggin, Maine

Official Website: Town of Poland

MEGenWeb Project: Poland

Maine Memory Network: Poland

Maine Memory Network: Poland Spring

Maine Memory Network: East Poland


______, Poland Spring centennial : a souvenir (South Poland, Me.: Hiram Ricker & Sons, 1895)

______, "Early Vital Records of Poland, Maine," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, vol. 88 (Boston, Mass.: The Society, 1934)

Ladd, William, "Annals of Bakerstown, Poland, and Minot," Collections of the Maine Historical Society, Vol. 2 (Portland, Me.: The Society, 1847)

Mitchell, Harry Edward, comp., The town register: Poland, Raymond and Casco, 1906 (Brunswick, Me.: H.E. Mitchell Co., 1906)

Poole, H. A., History of Poland: embracing a period of over a century (Mechanic Falls, Me.: Poole Bros., 1890)

Pulsifer, William E., Ancestry and descendants of Jonathan Pulsifer and his wife, Nancy Ryerson Pulsifer of Poland and Sumner, Maine (New York, N.Y., 1928)

Ricker, Alvan B., et al., Poland centennial, September 11, 1895 : with illustrations and biographical sketches (New York, N. Y.: Printed by Andrew H. Kellogg, c1896)

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