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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Jonesboro, Washington County

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Washington County (set off from Lincoln County in 1789)



Previous Designations

Township No. 22 Eastern Division (T22 ED), West of Machias; Chandler's River; Jones and Chandler's River

Boundary Changes

Part was set off to form Jonesport in 1832, and to form Roque Bluffs in 1891

Land was set off to Columbia and to Machias in 1838

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Chandler's River (later Chandersville, former post office), Jonesboro, Jonesboro Station

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Addison, Centerville Township, Columbia Falls, Jonesport, Roque Bluffs, Whitneyville


Maine Historical Maps: Jonesboro

Vital Records

Downeast Genealogy: Jonesboro Birth Records

Military Records

World War I Soldiers Index: Jonesboro

General Resources

FamilySearch Catalog: Jonesboro, Washington, Maine


Drisko, George Washington, The Revolution; life of Hannah Weston, with a brief history of her ancestry. Also a condensed history of the first settlement of Jonesborough, Machias and other neighboring towns (Machias, Me., G. A. Parlin, 1903)

Limeburner, Grace M. Grindle, The folks of Stuben [sic] Johnsboro [sic] Jonesport and nearby towns (North Brooksville, Me.: G. Limeburner, [1951-1953?])

Tibbetts, Leonard F., and Darryl B. Lamson, Early Jonesborough families of Washington County, Maine (Rockport, Me.: Picton Press, c2004)

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