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Maine Places

Resource Guide

Grafton Township, Oxford County

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Oxford County (set off from York County in 1805)


1840 as Holmes Plantation (also known as Plantation Letter A No. 2)


1852 as the town of Grafton; organization surrendered in 1919

Previous Designations

Township Letter A No. 2 (TA2), or Letter A No. 2; sometimes mistakenly called Township Letter A, Second Range; Readsville; Holmes

Boundary Changes

Part was annexed to Newry in 1837

Villages, Locations and Settlements

Grafton (former post office)

Adjacent Towns and Townships

Andover West Surplus, Andover North Surplus, Cambridge Township (N.H.), Newry, Riley Township, Success Township (N.H.), Upton


Grafton Cemetery, Grafton Township


Maine Historical Maps: Grafton Township

Census Records

1837 Maine Surplus Revenue Census

Vital Records

Abstracted Marriage Records of Grafton, 1876-1894


Chapman, William F., "From Hardscrabble Village to Hiking Mecca: The Story of Grafton, Maine," Goose Eye: A Journal of Western Maine and White Mountain History, No. 3 (Bethel Historical Society, 2023)

Fobes, Charles Bartlett, Grafton, Maine-A Human and Geographical Study (Orono, Me.: University Press, 1951)

Hanscom, Sadie C., "'Captain Jim' and 'Grandmother Ruth' Pioneer Settlers of Grafton, A Town That Has Vanished," Lewiston Journal Magazine Section, 14 Dec. 1940.

Tibbetts, Margaret Joy, "Grafton, Maine: A Historical Sketch," The Bethel Courier, vol. 12 (Bethel Historical Society, 1988)

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