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Maine Historical Maps

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Map NameRepository
1This Plan represents the Eastern Boundary Line of the Plymouth Patent adjoining partly on the Waldo Patent and partly on the Commonwealth Land (Maine Land Office Plan Book 2)Digital Maine
2Plan of Ballstown (Jefferson and Whitefield) surveyed by William Davis, dated May 20, 1795Massachusetts Archives
3A Plan of Milton or Ballstown from the latest Survey extant, containing the head of Damerscotta Pond and the Settlement of Hunts Meddow and the west of Sheepsgut River to Pittstown and Pleasant Pond etc etc called Balston (Maine Land Office Plan Book 22)Digital Maine
4Plan of Milton from the latest Survey extant Containing the head of Damerscotta Pond and the Settlement of Hunts Meadow and the west of Sheepsgut River to Pittstown and Pleasant Pond etc called Balston, 1795 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Lincoln County)Digital Maine
5Lots on Tinkham's Pond, Kennebec Patent, ca. 1800 (Plymouth Company Maps)Maine Historical Society
6Plan of Ballstown Plantation, 1805 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Lincoln County)Digital Maine
7Plan of the western part of Ballstown (Whitefield), 1807 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Lincoln County)Digital Maine
8Early map of the Sheepscot River, 1816 (Plymouth Company Maps)Maine Historical Society
9A topographical map of Lincoln County, Maine, 1857Library of Congress
10Lincoln County & Sagadahoc County (Atlas of the State of Maine, 1884)Digital Maine
11Map of Lincoln County, Maine, Map of Sagadahoc County, Maine (Atlas of the State of Maine, 1885)David Rumsey Map Collection
12Historical USGS Maps of WhitefieldUNH Library
13Lincoln County - ED 8-1 to ED 8-33 (1940 Census Enumeration Maps)National Archives
14Lincoln County - ED 8-1 to 33 (1950 Census Enumeration Maps)National Archives

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