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Maine Historical Maps

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Map NameRepository
1Plan of State's land lying between Raymond and Great Sabago (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
2Plan of a Gore of Land between Raymond and Thompson's Pond Plantation now annexed to New Gloucester and Poland belonging to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and Maine (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Androscoggin County)Digital Maine
3Plan of land bounded by Raymondstown, Bakerstown, and New Gloucester (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Androscoggin County)Digital Maine
4Description of a New township in the County of Cumberland containing six mile & three Quarters Square Granted to Capt William Raymond & others..., 1765 (Maine Land Office Plan Books: Androscoggin County)Digital Maine
5Part of Oxford and Cumberland Counties, Maine, 1771Library of Congress
6Plan of land between New Gloucester, Raymondstown and Bakerstown, ca. 1787 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
7Plan of Thompson Pond Settlement between Raymondtown and Poland, made by David Purington, dated January 5, 1796Massachusetts Archives
8Plan of Raymond surveyed by Osgood Carleton, dated 1798Massachusetts Archives
9Plan of Raymond in the County of Cumberland taken from the Survey of Winslow and Purrington (Maine Land Office Plan Book 20)Digital Maine
10Plan of 1800 acres laid between Raymond and Bakerston for James Johnson, Esq. and others, also 650 acres for Captain Webb (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
11Plan of 600 acres of land laid out for the Town of Norway between Raymond and Gray, 1805 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
12Plan of land near Raymond and Standish on Sebago Pond, 1808 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 1)Digital Maine
13Range Map of Raymond's Grant in Greenwood, 1815Maine Genealogy Archives
14Plan of Lands Lying Between Raymond and Standish as Assigned to Maine (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
15A Plan of the settlers lots laying on the cape so called extending from Raymond into Great Sebago on that part of said cape between Raymond line and Standish line (Maine Land Office Plan Book 4)Digital Maine
16This plan represents the land between Raymond & Standish assigned to Maine by the Commissioners under the Act of Separation, 1824 (Maine Land Office Plan Book 7)Digital Maine
17Plan of a gore of land between Raymond and Thompson Point Plantation (Maine Land Office Plan Book 11)Digital Maine
18Map of Cumberland County Maine, 1857Osher Map Library
19Map of Cumberland County, Maine, 1857Library of Congress
20Raymond, Raymond Village, South Standish, Standish Corner (Cumberland County Atlas, 1871)Digital Maine

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