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Maine Wills


The Will of William Bracy

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Nine (1743-58)

   In the Name of God Amen. This 28th Day of Augst Anno Domini 1751. I William Bracy of Biddeford in the County of York in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Yeoman, being in health of Body and of perfect Mind & Memory, yet calling to Mind ye Mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die; Do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament, that is to Say, principally & first of all I give & recommend my Soul into ye Hands of God who gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at ye Discretion of my Executr nothing doubting but at ye General Resurrection I shall receive ye Same again by ye mighty Power of God : And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give demise & dispose of ye Same in ye following Manner & Form.

   Impr. I give & bequeath to my beloved Son Ioseph Bracy over & above what I have already given him ye Sum of ten Shillings lawful Money to be paid to him by my Executor hereafter named within one year after my Decease.

   Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Mary Treworgy her Heirs & Assigns forever my dwelling House which I now live in.

   Item. I give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughters Abigail Curtis Mary Treworgy Phebe Emery Dorothy Conner Sarah Boothby Patience Downer, and to my beloved Grand Child ye Child of my beloved Daughter Prudence Abbot Decd whether it be a Son or a Daughter all my Estate both real & personal of what kind soever (excepting what is above particularly mentiond) to them their Heirs & Assigns forever to be equally divided betwixt them; and my Will & Pleasure is that that part of my Land which Shall fall to my Daughter Mary Treworgy shall be Set off to her next adjoining to my dwelling House in a convenient Manner So that She may conveniently pass & repass to and from Said House.

   Item. I do hereby constitute make & ordain my beloved Son in Law Iacob Curtis (Husband of my beloved Daughter Abigail Curtis) my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament, and I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disannul all & every other former Testamts Wills Legacys Bequests and Executors by me in any wise before named willed & bequeathed ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my last Will and Testamt. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year above written.

William Brasey (Seal)

   Signed Sealed published pronounced & declared by the Said William Brasey as his last Will & Testamt in ye presence of us the Subscribers

   Moses Morrell Wyat Moore Iedidiah Gooch.

   Be it known to all men by these presents that I William Brasey of Biddeford Yeoman have made and declared my last Will & Testament in writing bearing Date ye 28th Day of August 1751, I the Said William Brasey by this present Codicil do ratify & confirm my Said last Will & Testament & Do give & bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Abigail Curtis all my moveable Effects together with two Cows. Also to my Grandson Bracy Curtis a certain parcel of Land out of my Estate containing half an Acre within these Bounds containing more or less, beginning at Biddeford High Way and running Northeasterly by Land of Iedidiah Googe to Salt Water Creek & Southeasterly by Said Creek five Rods & half, and then running Southwesterly holding five Rods & half in Breadth to ye Town Road, Notherly by Said Road to ye first mentioned Bounds, with my dwelling House & Barn within Said Bounds. furthermore I give to my well beloved Daughtr Phebe Emery one of my Cows. Also to my Grandson Jonathan Emery junr a certain Strip of Land lying betwixt ye Town Road & Iedidiah Googe & joining to his Father's Land, and at ye Southern End to Brasey Curtis Land containing ye Sixteenth part of an Acre be it more or less within Said Bounds, and my Will and Meaning is that this Codicil or Schedule be adjudged to be a part & parcel of my last Will & Testamt and that all things therein mentioned & contained be faithfully & truly performed and as fully amply in every Respect as if the Same were so declared & set down in my Said last Will & Testament.

   Witness my Hand this twenty eighth Day of Novemr 1755

Signed Sealed published pronounced
   & declared by ye Sd Wm Brasey as
   his last Will & Testamt, in ye
   presence of us ye Subscribers,
   Ioseph Tayler Benja Downing
   Iohn Hickey
William Brasey (Seal)
   Probated 4 Jan. 1757. Inventory returned 11 Oct. 1756, at £62: 13: 4, by Tristram Jordan, Elisha Allen and Tho. Gilpatrick, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 795, citing Probate Office, 9, 199.

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