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Maine Wills


The Will of Josiah Bridges

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Nine (1743-58)

   I Iosiah Bridges of York in the County of York Weaver being aged & infirm, and not knowing the Day of my Death Do make this my last Will & Testament, as to my Worldly Goods

   First. I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Elizabeth all my moveables except Money at Interest forever as also one third part of the Use & Improvement of all my Money at Interest during her natural Life. Also I give to my Grand Daughter Ruth Hambleton five Shillings lawful Money, Also I give to my four Sons Iosiah Iohn Edmund & Daniel, the other Two thirds of my Money at Interest to be equally divided amongst them after my Decease, and ye other one third before mentioned to be equally divided among them after their Mother's Decease and if what I have given my Said Wife Should be insufficient for the comfortable Support of my Said Wife, then my Will is that my Sd four Sons Should do each an equal Propotion towards her Maintenance not doubting but that they will be kind & dutiful to her And I believe that they will be blessed in their persons & Posterity as a reward for the Same.

   Lastly I do constitute my trusty & well beloved Son John Bridges the Sole Executor of this my last Will. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the tenth Day of Ianuary in the twenty sixth year of His Majts Reign & in ye Year of our Lord 1753.

Signed Sealed published pro-
   nounced & declared by the
   Sd Iosiah Bridges as his last
   Will & Testamt In presence
   of us Witnesses
   Ichabod + Willom
           his mark
   Thomas Cook Daniel Johnston
Iosiah X Bridges (Seal)
      his mark
   Probated 6 Jan. 1755.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 740, citing Probate Office, 9, 64.

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