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Maine Wills


The Will of Joseph Willson

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Nine (1743-58)

   In the Name of God Amen. The Second Day of Ianuary Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty eight, I Ioseph Willson of Kittery in the County of York & Province of the Massats Bay in New England Housewright, being aged & weak in Body but of perfect Mind & Memory, Thanks be given unto God. Therefore calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body & knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this my last Will & Testamt That is to Say : principally and first of all, I give & recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Manner at ye Discrition of my Executors hereafter named, Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall receive ye Same again by the Mighty Power of God. And as touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give demise & dispose of the Same in ye following Maner & form.

   Impr My Will is that my just Debts & funeral Charges be raised & paid out of my Estate as Soon as may be conveniently after my Decease by my Executrs hereafter named.

   Item. I give & bequeath unto Iudith my dearly beloved Wife ye Use & Improvemt of one third part of my real Estate in Manner as the Law directs in Case of Intestate Estates.

   Item. I give & bequeath unto my Well beloved Son Ioseph Willson his Heirs & Assigns part of my Land as follows Vizt one part thereof beginning at a Bunch of pair Trees about Six Rods Eastwardly from my Barn on ye Northerly Side of a Lane that Leads from my Barn, on ye Northerly Side of my Orchard twoards Thomas Hutchins Land, and to run from Said Pear Trees Northerly Straight to two Small Elmn Trees mark'd, and then continuing the Same Course to the Cart Path that leads from my Barn to the head of my Mowing Ground and then to run Northeasterly as the Path goes to the Head of my Mowing Ground at the Bars in the Stone Wall; And then running Southwardly as the Wall runs next the Pasture to the Corner thereof; And then running South westerly by the Wall and Fence to the turn of the Lane and then running as ye Lane Runs to the beginning : And also give to my Son Joseph Liberty to pasture three Cows eight Sheep & two Calves in my Pasture Land during his Life; and also give unto my said son Joseph Six Bushels of Winter Apples, and Six Barrells of Cyder per year during his Life to be made out of the Orchard on my Lands during his Life; And also the Priviledge of living in & improving that part of the House he now lives in, And the Same Priviledge in the Barn he now improves.

   Item. I confirm unto my well beloved Son Moses Willson what I have already conveyed to him by Deeds which is for his full Portion of my Estate.

   Item. I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Sons David Willson & Gowen Willson all the remaining part of my Lands & Buildings whatsoever & wheresoever the Same is or may be found to them their Heirs & Assigns forever to be divided between them in equal Shares.

   Item. I give & bequeath unto my well beloved Daughter Hannah Willson Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful Money or the Value thereof out of my Stock of Creatures, And also Six pounds thirteen Shillings and four pence or the Value thereof out of my Household Goods all at the then Currt price as Such things go at.

   And further my Will is that if my Said Son Joseph Shall have need to Sell or dispose of the Land or any part thereof that I have given him he Shall Sell it to one of his Brothers, if they See Cause to purchase and will give as much as another person. And all the remaining part of my personal Estate I give unto Iudith my Wife, whom I make & ordain my Executx and David my aforesd Son whom I make & ordain my Executor with his Mother of this my last Will and Testament to pay my Debts & funeral Charges. And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke & disannull all & every other former Testaments Wills Legacys & Bequests & Executors by me any ways before named willed & bequeathed ratifying & confirming this & no other to be my last Will & Testamt.

   In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year above written after ye Words (David Willson and Gowen Willson) were interlined, Memo that ye Words (to pay my Debts & funeral Charges) were interlined before Signing & Sealing.

Ioseph Willson (Seal)

   Signed Sealed & published pronounced & declared by the Said Joseph Willson as his last Will & Testamt in the presence of us the Subscribers,

   Thomas Hutchins Ioseph Weeks Andrew X Lewis 3d his mark John Godsoe.

   Probated 3 April 1758. Inventory returned 20 March 1758, at £396: 15: 1, by Thomas Cutt, Samuel Haley and James Fernald, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 816, citing Probate Office, 9, 263.

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