The Will of Joseph Hill
From York County Probate Records, Volume Nine (1743-58)
In the Name of God Amen.
The eighteenth Day of Iune in the year of our Lord 1754. I Joseph Hill of Kittery in the County of York in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Yeoman being advanced in years & weak of Body, But of perfect Mind & Memory, Thanks be given to God for the Same. therefore calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body, and that it is appointed for all men once to die Do make and ordain this my last Will & Testament, That is to Say first of all, I recommend my Soul to God that gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Manner according to the Discretion of my Executor; And touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give & dispose of ye Same in the following Manner & Form. And first I will and desire that my funeral Charge & just Debts be paid & discharged by my Executor hereafter named.
Item, I give & bequeath to my Sister Elizabeth Emerson thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful money at the Rate of Silver at Six Shillings & eight pence per ounce to be paid to her by my Executor hereafter named in ye Space of four years after my Decease, and if She Should die before that time then it Shall be paid to her Children in equal Propotion.
Item, I give & bequeath to my Sister Hannah Hutchins Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful Money as aforesd to be paid by my Executor as aforesd in the Space of four Years after my Decease, and if She Should die before that time then ye Sd Sum Shall be paid to her Children in equal Proportion.
Item, I give & bequeath to my Sister Abigail Ham Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful Money as aforesd to be paid by my Executor as aforesd in the Space of four Years after my Decease and if She Should die before that time then the Said Sum Shall be paid to her Children in equal Proportion.
Item, I give and bequeath to my Sister Sarah Jackson thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful Money as aforesd to be paid to her by my Executor as aforesd, in ye Space of four Years after my Decease and if She Should die before that time then ye Sd Sum as aforesd Shall be paid to her Childn in equal Proportn.
Item, I give & bequeath to my Sister Catharine Ordway Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful Money as aforesd to be paid to her by my Executor in ye Space of four Years after my Decease, and if She Should die before, ye Sd Sum Shall be paid to her Children in equal Proportion as aforesd.
Item, I give & bequeath to the Children of my Sister Mary Iackson Decd thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful Money as aforesd to be paid to them in equal Proportn by my Executor in the Space of four Years after my Decease.
Item, I give & bequeath to my Sister Dorcas Remick Thirteen pounds Six Shillings & eight pence lawful Money as aforesd to be paid to her by my Execr in the Space of four years after my Decease, And if She Should die before that time then ye Sd Sum as aforesd Shall be pd to her Children in equal Proportion.
Item, I give & bequeath to Isaac Hill (the Son of my Brother Samuel Hill) whom I constitute make & ordain the Sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament all my Homestead Lands scituate in the Township of Kittery aforesd namely that which my Father bought of Iohn Downing by a deed under his Hand dated Ianry 23 One Thousand Seven Hund and Ninety nine, And that he bought of Iohn Searl dated May 21 1707, And that he bought of Nathl Mendum by a Deed dated May 8th 1712. As also a piece of Land commonly called Simons's Marsh, and about twelve Acres more adjoining to it which my Father Joseph Hill Decd formerly bought of Peter Staple Decd To him the Said Isaac Hill & to his Heirs & Assigns forever with all the Priviledges & Appurtinces to the Same belonging or in any wise appertaining as also my Household Goods & Furniture to ye Same belonging and all my live Stock as Cattle Sheep Horses Swine & whatsoever else Shall be properly mine at my Decease; he the Said Isaac Hill paying the Legacys before mentioned in this Will according to the time limited herein.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the Day & year above written and do hereby revoke disallow & disannul all & every other or former Wills Executors Legacys or Testaments named or made by me ratifying this & no other to be my last Will & Testament
Signed Sealed published & declared by the Sd Joseph Hill to be his last Will & Testamt in ye pres- ence of us Wyman Lydson William Fry Daniel Lydson | ![]() | Ioseph Hill (Seal) |
Probated 16 October 1754. Inventory returned 29 Dec. 1754, at £1173: 7: 11, Jos. Hammond, Peter Staple and Samuel Fernald, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 736, citing Probate Office, 9, 57. |
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