The Will of Samuel Lunt
From York County Probate Records, Volume Eight (1705-53)
I Samuel Lunt being in Gods righteous Providence upon a Bed of Sickness & pain, and not knowing how soon He may take me out of the World by Death, I would now while I have my Reason & Understanding continued to me (as I bless Him I have at present in usual Manner & Measure I ever had) Settle my affairs and outward Estate, and convey & dispose of the Same, which I do therefore in the Manner following as my last Will and Testament.
Impr. I give to my Dear Children Samuel Lunt, Iob Lunt Charity Procter Mary Lunt & Iane Lunt each of them the Sum of twenty Shillings lawful Money to be paid them by my Wife out of my Estate.
Item. I give to my dear Wife Charity Lunt the whole & every part of my Estate real & personal (after my debts are paid and the formentioned Legacies to my Children) to be to her Use profit & Disposal entirely & forever to improve enjoy grant and convey in what Way & manner her Discretion (which I place an entire Satisfaction in) Shall & may influence & determine her to think best & do. Hereby withal revoking and reversing all former Wills & Testaments by me Signified & made, and declaring this to be my last & only Will & Testamt to stand & abide in Force as fully & to all Intents & Purposes as if I had in more & other Words more explicitly & particularly or in any other Form whatsoever done the Same.
As Witness my Hand & Seal this seventeenth Day of June in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Fifty two And in the twenty sixth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain &c : King.
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us Isaac Ilsley Iohn Snow Dorothy Pote. | ![]() | Samuel Lunt's Mark (Seal) |
Probated 2 Oct. 1752. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 677, citing Probate Office, 8, 168. |
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