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Maine Wills


The Will of Mathews Young

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Eight (1705-53)

   In the Name of God Amen. This twentieth Day of November A. D. 1750. I Mathews Young of York in the County of York in N : England Fisherman, being exercised with grievous pains & Maladies of Body, so that wearisome and Sleepless Nights are appointed to me, yet blessed be God my Reason & Understanding continued to me, not knowing how Soon my dear Lord & Master may call for me (as to that his holy Will not mine be done) and and [sic] that there may be no dispute & Dissension among my dear Children after my Decease, after having often I trust in Faith thrô free Grace enabling me committed my precious Soul into the Hands of an All Sufficient & most gracious & powerful & faithful Redeemer the LORD IESUS Christ whom I would with my last Breath recommend to my beloved Children Grand Children & a fourth Generation which God has graciously lengthened out my Life to See, as the chiefest of Ten Thousands & altogether lovely in whose infinite Merits & Death his glorious Resurrection and continual Intercession in Heaven is all my Hope for Pardon Peace Acceptance & Grace here and eternal Glory in Body & Soul in Heaven at the Coming of my Lord which I trust draws near, and desiring in the mean Time that my Fless may rest in hope of a blessed Resurrection being decently buried at the Charge of my Executor Vizt Son Ebenezer hereafter named:

   I do make this my last Will & Testament as to ye Disposition of those outward good Things which the Lord has I trust in Covenant Loue & fatherly kindness bestowed on me, & continued to me, That is to Say,

   I give & bequeath to each of my Daughters and yr lawful Representves of Such of them as are or may be deceased before me each the Value of Ten Shillings old Tenor Bills, as they are called, namely Susannah Redlan, Hannah Preble Tabitha Murch, Lydia Whitney Decd Mercy Webber, Eleoner Allen besides what I have already given them or any of them.

   And all the residue of my Estate Real & personal, whether Houses Lands Meadow Vessels, Quick Stock or of what Sort soever it be, I do hereby give & bequeath unto my only Surviving Son Said Ebenezer Young, who has kindly and diligently ministered to me hitherto, and is to take Care of me while I live; and to pay my just Debts & funeral Charges, and the above mentioned Legacies, after my decease.

   And I so desire chearfully to bid farewell to this present evil World of Sin & Sorrow, humbly hoping in Christ Jesus my Lord that when the earthly House of the Tabernacle is dissolved, I have an House not made with Hands eternal in the Heavens. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the Day & year above written.

Signed Sealed published pro-
   nounced and declared by
   the aforenamed Mathews
   Young as his last Will &
   Testament in presence of us
   the Subscribers
   Jonathan Young
   Benajah Young
   Aquila Hains
   Ioseph Farnam
Mathews Young (Seal)
         his mark
   Probated 1 April 1751.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 646, citing Probate Office, 8, 92.

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