The Will of Mary Plaisted, Jr.
From York County Probate Records, Volume Eight (1705-53)
The last Will and Testament of Mary Plaisted junr of York in the County of York Widow made this the tenth Day of November Annoque Domini 1752. As to that part of Worldly Estate which I have I give it all to my beloved Son John Plaisted for his Use forever that is to Say my Interest in the Thirds of the Estate of my late Husband Ioseph Plaisted Esqr late of York Decd. Also my Necklace great looking Glass and great Table, Pepper Box, Rings, and also three Quarters of my wearing Apparel, and everything doth or may belong to me except One Quarter of my Wearing Apparel which I give to my Daughter Sarah Swett.
Signed Sealed published pronounced & declared in presence of (ye Es- tate of) interlined before Signed, as also Junr in the first Line and Box interlined. Eleonor Clement, Mary Moulton, Paul Nowell. | ![]() | Mary Plaisted junr (Seal) |
Probated 15 May 1753. Inventory returned 28 June 1753, at £19: 19: 10, by Thos Bragdon, Abel Moulton and Joseph Simpson Junr., appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 703, citing Probate Office, 8, 229. |
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