The Will of Ichabod Jellison
From York County Probate Records, Volume Eight (1705-53)
In the Name of God Amen. The eighteenth Day of November in the twenty sixth Year of the Reign of King George the the Second Anno Domini 1752. I Ichabod Iellison of Kittery in the County of York Husbandman being Sick & weak of Body but thrô divine Goodness of perfect Mind & Memory, and calling to mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that is appointed for all men once to die, Do make & ordain this to be my last Will & Testament. And in the first place, I recommend my Self Soul & Body to God who gave it, hoping for Mercy thrô Iesus Christ. And as to what it hath pleased God to bestow on me of Worldly Estate, I give and dispose of the whole thereof to my well beloved Son Benjamin Iellison to & for the Uses herein after expressed Vizt That my Said Son Shall pay all my Debts & Legacys as is hereafter mentioned; and in the first place he Shall pay my just Debts whether arising by my Sickness & funeral Charges or otherwise, and for the comfortable Support of my Wife in her Sickness, and her funeral Charges, and after such Debts & funeral Charges is paid if there be remainder sufficient, My Will is that my Said Son pay to my other three Sons Vizt Iob Ichabod & Nathaniel one Shilling each for their portion of my Estate, and to my Daughter Thankful Bridge I do give my Bed & Beding and other Household Goods after the Death of my Wife unless it be necessary to dispose of the Same after my other Estate is Spent to pay Debts as aforesd. And all my other Estate real & personal I give to my Said Son Benjamin in Fee Simple he taking Care of my Wife and providing comfortably for her during her natural Life. Lastly I appoint my Said Son Benjamin Executor of this my Will, and disallow all other Wills of what name or Nature Soever by me heretofore made. In testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year above mentioned.
Signed Sealed published pro- nounced & declared to be his last Will and Testament in presence of Samuel Emery Iohn Emery Caleb Emery | ![]() | Note the words (or other- wise) interlined before Sigd Ichabod J Jelliso (Seal) his mark |
Probated 1 January 1753. Inventory returned 16 April 1753, at £61: 16: 4, by Daniel Emery, Joseph Leavit and Charles Frost appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 685, citing Probate Office, 8, 204. |
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