The Will of George Jacobs
From York County Probate Records, Volume Eight (1705-53)
In the Name of God Amen. On the twenty first Day of February in the 24th Year of His Majts Reign Annoque Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred & Fifty. I George Iacobs of Wells in the County of York & Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Yeoman, Do make & ordain this my last Will & Testament in Manner following That is to Say principally & first of all. I give & recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, and my Body to the Earth to be buried in decent christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named in hopes of a glorious Resurrection. And as touching touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give demise & dispose of the Same in Manner & form following.
Impr. My Will is, and I do hereby order that my Wife Elizabeth Shall have & enjoy the Use & Improvemt of one Third part of my real Estate during Life, and that part of my personal Estate which the Law directs in Case of Intestates and no more.
Item. I give & bequeath to my three Sons George Benjamin & John Iacobs all my Estate both real and personal (except only my Wife's Thirds as aforesd) with the Reversion thereof to be equally divided to and amongst them : Those Lands & Marsh which I have already given my Said Son George a Deed of Gift of bearing Date 24th March 1741. Vizt. One Tract of Upland in Wells aforesd containing twenty five Acres more or less, and about four Acres of Salt Marsh or Meadow to be deemed & accounted to the Said George my Son towards his part of my Estate given as aforesd My Said three Sons George Benjamin & Iohn paying all my just Debts funeral Charges and Legacys hereafter named in equal Proportion.
Item. I give & order to my Daughters Lydia Wife of Ioseph Stevens, Elizabeth Wife of Ioseph Tayler, and Pricilla Wife of Ioshua Bartlet besides what I have already given them, and not herein mentioned, Eight pounds each in lawful Money of this Province to be paid them respectively by their Brothers the Said George Benjamin & John.
And I do hereby nominate & appoint my eldest Son George Iacobs the Executor of this my last Will & Testamt And I do hereby utterly disannul all & every other Testaments Wills Legacies & Bequests & Executors by me in any ways before named willed & bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year first hereinbefore written.
Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by the Said George Iacobs the Testator as his last Will & Testamt in the presence of us, after ye Words (Lands & Marsh) on ye other Side were interlined, as also ye Words (with the Rever- sion thereof). Daniel Moulton Iohn Heard Bartlet Amy X Bumstead her mark | ![]() | Georg Iacob (Seal) |
Probated 24 April 1751. Inventory returned 26 April 1751, at £570: 10: 11, by Joseph Weare jun. Norton Woodbridge and John Perkins, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 647, citing Probate Office, 8, 96. |
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