The Will of Daniel Junkins
From York County Probate Records, Volume Eight (1705-53)
The last Will and Testament of Daniel Junkins of York in the County of York in New England Yeoman made this Ninth Day of March Anno Domini 1746.
As to the worldly Estate which God in his Providence hath Seen meet to bestow upon me, after my just Debts & funeral Charges are paid I dispose thereof in Manner following.
Impr. I will that my well beloved Wife Eleonor Junkins Shall have an honourable Maintenance out of my Estate at the equal Expence of my two Sons, and I do also give & bequeath to my Said Wife all my moveables to be at her disposal.
Item. I give to my eldest Son Daniel Junkins all the Land he now has in Possession, where he now lives, except one Acre at the upper End of the Pasture near where Thomas Welch now dwells, and three Quarters of an Acre of Salt Marsh on the Southwest Branch of York River.
Item. I give to my youngest Son, James Junkins all my Homestead, and all my Land & Marsh which I now enjoy or Shall enjoy hereafter, including the one Acre at ye Upper End of the Pasture before mentioned.
Item. I give to my eldest Daughter Lydia Nowell, besides what She hath already received the Sum of Ten pounds old Tenor.
Item. I give to my Daughter Sarah Thompson besides what She has already recd the Sum of Fifteen pounds old Tenor.
Item. I give to my third Daughter Eleonor Junkins the Sum of Forty pounds old Tenor.
Item. I give to my youngest Daughter Mary Junkins the Sum of Fifty pounds old Tenor.
Item. I do Will that my two Sons do pay an equal Proportion of the Legacys to my Daughters within the Space of one year after my Decease, or if they Should not be able to make the payment in one year not to exceed the Space of three years.
Item. I Will that my two Daughters Eleonor & Mary have one Fire Room in my dwelling House so long as they remain Single.
Lastly, I do hereby constitute my well beloved Wife Eleoner Iunkins Executx and my Son Daniel Iunkins Executor of this my last Will & Testament, hereby revoking all other Wills & Testaments.
Witness my Hand & Seal the Day and year above mentioned
Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by the Said Daniel Iunkins as his last Will & Testamt. In pres- ence of us the Subscribers, Samll Chandler Ioseph Iunkins Iames Grant junr | ![]() | Daniel X Iunkins (Seal) his mark |
Probated 17 October 1749. Inventory returned at £2887: 6: 0, 17. Octo 1749. by Samuel Shaw, Ebenezer Nowell and John Frost, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 614, citing Probate Office, 8, 13. |
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