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Maine Wills


The Will of William Vaughan

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Seven (1721-49)

   In the Name of God Amen. The last Will and Testament of William Vaughan of Damariscotty in the County of York Gentn I William Vaughan by Gods Grace being in perfect Health both of Mind and Body, and knowing ye uncertainty of the time of my Life, and my bounden Duty to Set my House in order before I die, Do appoint this to be my last Will hereby revoking all others by me made heretofore, I give up my Soul to God earnestly looking to him for Acceptance thrô the alone Merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, and my Body to the Earth with the Cheapest Manner of Burial : My worldly Estate I dispose of in the following Manner.

   1 I Will that my Debts be paid in convenient Season by my Executors as hereafter directed and named.

   2. To my Hond Mother Madm Eliza Vaughan during her Life and in the Time of Peace and my Saw Mills going at Damariscotty, I give Fifty pounds per annum out of the Incomes thereof.

   3 To my Brother Elliot Vaughan I give all the Remaindr of my Estate in Possession or Reversion in the Province of New Hampshire, after my Fathers Debts & Legacys, and my own Debts & Legacys as hereafter mentioned are paid, To him and his Heirs forever.

   4 I give to each of my married Sisters & their Husbands a pair of Gloves, vizt Iohn & Sarah Ross, William & Elizabeth Bennet, Hunking & Margaret Wentworth, and Cutt & Mary Shannon.

   5 I give to my Sister Iane Vaughan one Thousand pounds to be paid in Money or Lands; vizt out of Lands in the Town of Portsmouth.

   6. I Will that my Debts to Mr Bowdoin Capt. Osborne and others contracted on my Fathers Accot be paid out of my New Hampshire Estate.

   7. I will that the Debts by me contracted on Account of my Estates at Mintinicus Damariscotta Sheepscott, Harrington and Pemaquid be paid by my Executors hereafter named out of the Same.

   8. My Estates in lands at Mintinicus Damariscotty, Pemaquid Harrington and Sheepscot vizt of Sheepscot in Partnership with the Heirs of Mr Iohn Nelson of Long Island in ye County of Suffolk Decd vizt Half the Tract of Land Sold by Sonobus Indian Sagamore to Sylvanus Davis, For which they are to give a Deed I give and bequeath in equal Fifths to my Brother Elliot Vaughan, my Sister Jane Vaughan, and to Iane Mary & Elizabeth the Daughters of Iohn and Martha Campbel of Damariscotty to them & their Heirs forever in the following Manner, vizt that if Elliot Vaughan dies without Children and his Fifth part in these Estates is undisposed of his part is to descend to his Sister Jane & her Heirs and so Iane's Part to descend to her Brother Elliot in like Circumstances And if Iane Mary or Elizabeth Campbell die before Age the Survivor or Survivors Shall have the Decds Estate, and if they three die under Age without Children what is bequeath'd to them Shall go to Elliot & Jane Vaughan in equal Shares as given to them by me.

   9. I give to Mr John & Mrs Martha Campbell all the Goods in my House at Damariscotty, also I give to them Fifty pounds per annum out of the Produce of my Mills at Damariscotty during the Life of one & both of them.

   11 [sic]. I give to David Cargill Esqr of Sheepscot out of my Right in the Eastern Tract of Land at Sheepscot (that was Sold by Sonobus to Silvanus Davis) Two Hundred Acres to be made Secure to him and his Heirs forever when the Deed is given.

   12. I do hereby give and bequeath to the old Settlers at Walpole vizt William Iones, The Wife of Robert Morrison, James Huston and Iohn Lermond to each of them & their Heirs forever, one Hundred Acres of Land in the District called Walpole, whereof Ten Acres to be Meadows, all to be Set off to them by my Executors, on Condition that they the forementioned Livers at Walpole give my Executors Quit Claims of all the Remainders of those Lands, that they may afterwards live like Christians in Peace.

   13. I do appoint my Brother Elliot Vaughan & Mr Iohn Campbell aforesd Executors and my Sister Iane Vaughan & Martha Campbell aforesd Executrixes of this my last Will & Testament, to whom if there be any Residue of my Estate I give the Same. And in Consideration of the Premisses have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this twenty third Day of March Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty four &c.

Signed Sealed & published
   in presence of
   Ios : Calef
   Iohn Wheelwright junr
   Nathl Wheelwright.
W. Vaughan (a Seal)
   Probated 20 Oct. 1747. Jane Vaughan 2 Mch 1746 declines the trust of Executrix, but on 5 June 1747, she as Jane Noble, petitions to be and is restored by the Probate Court in Boston. Inventory returned 5 April 1748, at £6098: 11: 0, old tenor by Alexr Nikels, John Ballnatyen and William McClelland, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 555, citing Probate Office, 7, 119.

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