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Maine Wills


The Will of Mary Newmarch

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume Seven (1721-49)

   The last Will and Testament of Mrs Mary Newmarch the Wife of the Revd Mr Iohn Newmarch of Kittery in the County of York in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Clerk made this thirtieth Day of August Anno Domini 1748. Whereas I the Said Mary Newmarch did by my Contract or Agreement made with the Said John Newmarch before Marriage reserve to my Self (among other Things) full Power and Liberty to dispose of that Estate which I had by my former Husband the Revd Mr Theophilus Cotton late of Hampton Decd by Will or otherwise during our State of Wedlock. I do therefore make this my last Will and Testament to dispose of the Same in Manner following, with the Consent of my Sd Husband vizt

   Impr I give and bequeath unto my beloved Husband Mr Iohn Newmarch that Bond or Debt due to me from Clement Hughs or the Land which was made over to my former Husband for Security for said Debt in Dover and Elsewhere, and my Silver Bowl.

   Item 2dly I give to my Kinsman Caleb Cushing junr of Salisbury and Theophilus Cotton of Plymouth all the remaining part of my Right and Interest in ye Town of Chester which I had by my former Husband Mr Theophilus Cotton to be equally divided between them.

   Item 3dly I give to my Cousin Mary Parker the Wife of Benjamin Parker of Kittery all my Plate or Silver Vessels (except the aforesd Bowl and my Silver Porringer) and all my Household Stuff or Goods of all Sorts after my Husbands Death, and all my Wearing Cloaths Linnen and Woolen, and my Picture or Effigies, and Mr Burkits Notes on the N. T.

   Item. 4ly I give to my Cousin Iames Cushing Mr Flavels 2 Volumns and the Morning Exercises 4 Volumns after my Husbands Death.

   Item. 5ly I give to Sarah the Daughter of Caleb Cushing junr my Gold Necklace. and I give to Mary ye Daughter of my Brother Samuel Gookin my Silver Porringer mark'd M : C:

   Item 6ly My Will is that what Shall remain of my Cash Money Bills or Bonds due to me after the Payment of my Debts and Funeral Expences and Five pounds to Elizabeth Moody the Wife of Ioshua Moody the Same Shall be equally divided between the aforesaid Theophilus Cotton of Plymouth and Mary Parker of Kittery and Finally I do constitute and appoint my beloved Husband to be Sole Executor of this My Will to whom I give any Books or Estate that Shall remain undisposed of in this my Will or otherways. Witness my Hand and Seal the Day and Year first above mentioned August 30, 1743.

Signed Sealed and Declared by
   the Said Mary Newmarch to
   be her last Will and Testa-
   ment In presence of Us.
   Caleb Cushing
   Wm Bradbury
   Iudith Norton
      Mary Newmarch (a Seal)

N : B : That I the above named
   Iohn Newmarch do Consent
   to the above written Will,
   Witness my Hand this 30th
   of August 1743.
         John Newmarch
   Probated 21 Oct 1746. Inventory returned 24 Feby 1746, at £516: 10: 0, by Thomas Cutt, Joseph Weeks and Tobias Fernald, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 528, citing Probate Office, 7, 8.

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