The Will of Joshua Woodbury
From York County Probate Records, Volume Seven (1721-49)
In the Name of God Amen. This Sixth Day of Iuly In the twenty third Year of His Majts Reign, Annoque Dom : 1749. I Ioshua Woodbury of Falmouth in the County of York in New England Yeoman, being Sick & weak of Body but of a disposing Mind & Memory Thanks be to God therefor; Calling to Mind the Mortality of Body, and the immortality of my Soul, do give & bequeath my Soul unto that God that gave it me, and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named, hoping thrô the Merits of Christ for a glorious Resurrection of the Same to Life eternal. And as touching Such Worldly Goods as it hath pleased the Lord to endow me withal, I give & dispose of the Same in Manner & form following Vizt
Impr I give & bequeath unto my beloved Wife Sarah Woodbury during her natural Life the Use & Improvement of all my improveable Lands for her comfortable & honourable Support.
Item. I give & bequeath unto my oldest Son Ioshua Woodbury beside what I have already given him by Deed of Gift, the one third of my Land that runs up towards the Meeting House excepting one Acre which I have already given to my Daughter Mary Lovett; I mean on both Sides the Swamp, together with an equal Share with all his Brothers & Sisters in my Beverly Farm; All this I give unto him my Said Son his Heirs & Assigns forever, Hereby likewise appointing him one of the Executors to this my last Will & Testament.
Item. I give & bequeath to my Second Son Peter Woodbury, whom also I appoint to be Executor with his Brother Joshua Woodbury, the One Half of my now dwelling House in sd Falmouth, which I have already given him a Deed of, together with one Third part of my Pasture that runs up towards the Meeting House, except the Acre already excepted, together with one Quarter part of my Land below the high Way, with one half of my Barn together with an equal part with each of his Brothers & Sisters in my Land & Housing at Beverly; Also confirming hereby all the Deeds of Land that I have already given him, All this I give unto him my Said Son Peter Woodbury his Heirs & Assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my third Son Iohn Woodbury the one half of my dwelling House in Said Falmouth, together with the one half of the Land adjoining to it on the Same Side of the Way being about Two Acres of the Same, together with one Third part of my Pasture towards the Meeting House, with one Quarter part of my Land below the Way, with one half of my Barn Standing on the Same, as also one half of my Sixty Acre Lot, as also one Third part of my Meadow at the little Meadow so called, together with an equal Share with all his Brothers & Sisters in my Beverly Farm. This I give unto my Said Son John Woodbury his Heirs and Assigns for ever.
Item. I give unto my Daughter Mary Lovett the Wife of Iona Lovett beside what I have already given her an equal part or Share with all her Brothers & Sisters in my Beverly Farm. This I give unto her her Heirs & Assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my Second Daughter Mehetable Robinson the Wife of Iohn Robinson beside what I have already given her an equal part or Share with each of her Brothers & Sisters in my Beverly Farm, This I give unto her her Heirs & Assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my Daughter Sarah Sawyer the Wife of Daniel Sawyer beside what I have given her One equal part or Share with the rest of her Brothers & Sisters in my Beverly Farm to her her Heirs & Assigns forever.
Item. I give unto my youngest Daughter Anne Woodbury an equal part with each of her Brothers & Sisters in my Beverly Farm to her her Heirs & Assigns forever. and,
Lastly. My Will is that all my Debts & funeral Charges be paid by my Executors out of my moveable Estate, the Residue to be for the better Support of my Wife during her natural Life, and after her Decease my Will is that the remainder of my moveable Estate be equally divided among all my Children.
In Witness & Confirmation hereof I have Set to my Hand & Seal ye Day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed published pro- nounced and declared to be the last Will & Testamt of Ioshua Woodbury aforesaid in presence of. Benjamin Allen Aaron Chamberlain Elizabeth X Thorndike her mark | ![]() | Ioshua Woodbury (a Seal) |
Probated 2 Oct. 1749. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 608, citing Probate Office, 7, 262. |
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