The Will of John King
From York County Probate Records, Volume Seven (1721-49)
In the Name of God Amen. I Iohn King of Casco Bay in New England Labourer (now a Soldier at Louisburg on Cape Breton) being ill and indisposed in Body but in perfect Soundness of Mind make this my last Will and Testament vizt Impr I bequeath my Soul to God who gave it and my Body to the Earth for a decent Burial
2ly I bequeath all my Estate Effects Wages Dues or Demands that I have in Possession or Reversion to my Brother Wm King and to my Sister Iane King and to Susannah Day of Said Casco Bay equally to be divided between them all three and I make Iohn Owen of Said Casco Bay my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I Set to my Hand and Seal at Louisburg this twenty seventh Day of Februry Anno Domini Seventeen Hundred and forty & five Six.
Signed Sealed publish'd & declared before Us, {Iohn Small Tests {Iohn Norman {Phillip Gammon | ![]() | John King (Seal) his mark |
Probated 5 Nov. 1746. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 535, citing Probate Office, 7, 24. |
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