The Will of James Frost
From York County Probate Records, Volume Seven (1721-49)
In the Name of God Amen. I Iames Frost of Berwick in the County of York & Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England being indisposed of Body, but of perfect Mind & Memory do make & ordain this to be my last Will & Testament as follows vizt.
Impr I recommend my Soul to God who gave it, amd my Body to the Earth to be decently buried in Such Manner as my Executors hereafter named Shall Seem meet; and as to what worldly Estate it has pleased God to give me, I give & dispose in Manner following, vizt
Imprimis. I give & bequeath unto Margaret my dearly beloved Wife all the Farm where I now dwell, with all my Lands thereto adjoining, with the Houses Buildings & Appurtenances thereunto belonging, also my Quarter part of the Grist Mill & Priviledge at Quamphegon as also the half of my Priviledge in the Saw Mill at Quamphegon during her Life.
Item. I give & bequeath unto Margaret my dearly beloved Wife all my Moveables within Doors & without, as also my Right in the New Township at the head of Berwick, as also all my Right in the common & undivided Lands belonging to the Proprietors of Berwick as also all other Estate which I Shall not hereafter dispose of forever.
Item. I give unto my beloved Son Iames Frost his Heirs and assigns forever all the Estate where he now dwells with the Houses Buildings & Appurtences thereto belonging it being the whole of what was Set off as his part when he & his Brothers William & Nathaniel made a Division of their Lands he the Said James to pay to my Son Iohn Frost Forty pounds old Tenor.
Item. I give unto my beloved Son William Frost Five Shillings in Money old Tenor besides what he has already had to be paid by my Wife Margaret.
Item. I give unto my beloved Son Nathaniel Frost Five Shillings in old Tenor Money besides what he has already had to be paid him by my Wife.
Item. I give to my beloved Son John Frost my half of a piece of Marsh which is in partnership with my Son William Frost as also Forty pounds old Tenor Money which I have ordered my Son Iames Frost to pay him, as also Eighty pounds old Tenor which I order my Wife to pay to my Said Son John besides what he has already had
Item I give & bequeath unto my beloved Son Stephen Frost the Twenty Acres of Land where his House now Stands near Cranberry Meadow be the Same more or, as also about Seven Acres of Land be the same more or less at the old Board Wigwam near Salmon Falls little River, as also ye one half of my Priviledge in the Saw Mill at Quamaphegon as also Eighty pounds old Tenor Money which is to be paid him by my Wife.
Item. I give & bequeath unto my Son Ieremiah Frost his Heirs and Assigns forever after my Wifes Decease my Homested & all the Land thereto adjoining with the Houses Buildings and Appurtenances thereto belonging. As also I give to my Son Ieremiah Frost my Part of the Grist Mill & Priviledge of the Stream at Quamphegon, as also the half of my part of the Saw Mill and Priviledge at Quamphegon and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, after my Wifes Decease.
Item. I give unto my beloved Daughter Mary Gerrish Ten pounds in Money old Tenor, and to my Daughter Iane One Hundred pounds in old Tenor Money and to my Daughter Margaret One Hundred pounds in old Tenor Money to be paid them by my Wife, and also my just Debts, & Funeral Charges to be paid & discharged by her. and,
Lastly. I do appoint my dearly beloved Wife Margaret Frost and my beloved Son Jeremiah Frost Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal this Seventeenth Day of September. Annoque Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty four and in the Eighteenth Year of King George the Second.
Signed Sealed & Delivered by Iames Frost aforesd to be his last Will & Testamt in pres- ence of us. Roger Plaisted Tobias Leighton Iames Chadbourn junr | ![]() | The Words {old Tenor} & the word {beloved} were interlined before Sign- ing and Sealing. Iames Frost (a Seal) |
Probated 4 July 1748. Inventory returned 29 Sept. 1748, at £3648: 4: 0, old tenor, by Humphrey Chadbourn, Roger Plaisted and Jos : Chadbourn, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 573, citing Probate Office, 7, 164. |
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