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Maine Wills


The Will of James Carey

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Seven (1721-49)

   In the Name of God Amen. I Iames Carey of Falmouth in the County of York & Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Barber, being in a weak & languishing Condition and apprehensive of my Departure out of this World to be near at hand, Thô I desire to bless God for it am of a Sound & disposing Mind & Memory, Do make this my last Will & Testament in Manner following. That is to Say, In the first place I commend my Spirit into the Hands of my most merciful Creator, and my Body to be decently buried according to the Discretion of my Executor hereafter named, in hopes of a happy Resurrection to eternal Life thrô the Merits of the Lord Iesus Christ the only Saviour of Sinners; And with respect to the little Interest I have in the World, I do dispose of it as follows vizt

   I give & bequeath to my beloved Wife Rachael all my wearing Apparel & Household Goods to dispose of as She may think proper; and also the Use & Improvement of the Land & House wherein I now dwell until my Children Sarah & Iames come to the Age of Twenty one Years; and likewise I give to my Said Wife the Interest of the Money I have this Day Sold my Right for in the House at Boston my Father died in as it may become due from my Brother Jonathan Carey who bought the Same.

   Item. I give & bequeath to my Children aforesd Sarah & Iames and their Heirs, the said Land & House wherein I now dwell, equally between them : and also the principal Money I Sold my Right for in the Said House at Boston to my Said Brother Jonathan equally between them.

   Item. My Will is, That my just Debts & Funeral Charges be paid as Soon as conveniently may be out of ye Debts due to me, and part of the Money I sold my Said Right for in the Said House at Boston, and the remainder of the Said Money to be disposed of as aforesaid.

   And lastly, I do appoint my good Friend Enoch Freeman of Falmouth aforesaid Merchant my Executor of this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal this Thirteenth Day of April Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty eight.

Signed Sealed published & declared
   in presence of us.
   Nathaniel Coffin
   Cornelius Brimhall
   Enoch Freeman
Iames Cary (a Seal)
   Probated 6 Oct. 1749. Inventory returned 6 Oct. 1749, at £288: 12: 0, by Henry Wheeler, Joshua Bangs and James Gooding, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 611, citing Probate Office, 7, 271.

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