The Will of Ebenezer Sampson
From York County Probate Records, Volume Seven (1721-49)
In the Name of God Amen. I Ebenezer Sampson of Arundel in the County of York, and in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Husbandman calling to Mind the Frailty and the uncertainty of humane Life, realizing it that Man knoweth neither the time nor the manner of his Death, whether it will be Sudden or foreseen, by Some unexpected Stroke or by Sickness, and as it is a time of War, and I apprehending my Self exposed and in Danger when about my Work where I dwell, and in going backward & forward thrô the Woods on my necessary Business, and not knowing but God in his Providence may give me up to the Will of mine enemies number me to the Slaughter and cause me to fall by the Sword, so praying God by his Grace would fit me for a better Life, that so when or in what manner Soever Death comes I may be enabled readily to leave the Things of this World, having good hopes of better Things in the World to come, Treasures in the Heavens which none by the Rage & Fury of Enemys Shall ever be deprived of or Separated from; And as to Such Worldly Estate that God hath blessed me with, for & in Consideration of the tender Care parental Love and Affection my hond Parents have ever Shown unto me, as I am in a Single State, 'Tis my Will and desire that all I die Seized of Should go to my hond Parents Iames Sampson & Ruth his Wife, whether Real or personal Estate House Lands Creatures or Goods & Chattels, I freely give & bequeath all to them the Sd James and Ruth Sampson to be disposed of by them as they think fit confirming this & no other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the twenty fifth Day of April in the Year of Christ our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred & Forty Six.
Signed Sealed published pronounced and declared by Ebenezer Sampson as his last Will & Testamt In presence of Ionathan Stone Samuel Williams Iohn Hovey. | ![]() | Ebenezer Sampson (a Seal) |
Probated 20 Oct. 1747. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 557, citing Probate Office, 7, 121. |
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