The Will of Thomas Payne
From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)
York June the 12th 1742. I Thomas Payne being sick in Body but through the Mercys of God I have the free Use of my Reason and not knowing how short a time I shall continue so I see Cause to dispose of my Estate as following.
Imprimis/ It is my Will that my well beloved Wife Mary Payne shall have the disposeing of the income of all my Estate during her Life and after her Decease it is my Will that my Eldest Son Thomas Payne shall have the whole of all my Estate both Real & Personal he paying out to his Brother & Sisters as following. to my Son Daniel Payne one Hundred and fifty pounds & to my Daughter Elizabeth Payne two Hundred pounds
Item, It is my Will that my Daughter Mary Bradbury formerly Mary Payne shall have five shillings more besides what She has had already. It is my Will that my Daughter Jane Payne shall have paid her one hundred pounds five shillings & likewise to my youngest Daughter Sarah Payne one hundred pounds five shillings. It is my Will that the whole of the parts that is to be paid out of my Estate is to be according to the old tenor or a quarter part in ye new tenor.
Item, It is my Will that my Daughter Elizabeth shall haue the Room that is in the Southern part of my House & one barrill of Cyder yearly & Cellar room for Her as long as She continues unmarried.
I Order my Son Thomas Payne to pay all my Just Debts & Funeral Charges whom I appoint to be the Sole Executor of this my last Will & testament.
Signed Sealed & Declared to be his last Will & testament in presence of us. Samll Sewall Nathan Raynes Norton Woodbridge | ![]() | Thomas Payne (Seal) |
Probated 19 Oct. 1742. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 454, citing Probate Office, 6, 19. |
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