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Maine Wills


The Will of Nathaniel Jones

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)

   In the Name of God Amen. I Nathaniel Iones of Falmo in the County of York and Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Gentn being Weak of Body and Sensible of my approaching Dissolution, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, being thrô the Mercy of God of a Sound and disposing Mind and Memory, I commit my Soul to God that gave it, and my Body to a decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named.

   Imprimis. I have already given unto my four Sons hereafter named (To Wit) Phinehas Deceased, Nathaniel, Stephen, and Ionas Iones, all their just and proportionable parts of all my Estate both Real and personal and taken an Acquittance of each of them.

   Item. I give unto my Son Ichabod Fifty pounds Bills of the last Emission to be paid him by my Executors in four Years after my Decease.

   Item. I give unto my Sons Noah Isaac and Moses fiue pounds each to be paid unto each of them by my Executors within Four Years after my Decease, and also that my Said Executors give unto my Son Moses common Learning and bind him out to a good Trade Such as he Shall think proper.

   Item. I give unto my Daughter Lucy Jones a good Feather Bed well furnished if She will help her Mother make the Furniture for the Same.

   Item. I giue unto the Heirs of my Daughter Rebeccah Deceased Ten pounds Bills of the last Emission to be paid by my Executors in Seven Years after my Decease.

   Item. I give unto my Daughter Mary Ten pounds Bills of the last Emission to be paid by my Executors in Seven Years after my Decease.

   Item I give unto my Daughter Lucy Ten pounds Bills of the last Emission to be paid by my Executors in Six Years after my Decease.

   Item I give unto my Daughter Unice Ten pounds Bills of the last Emission to be paid by my Executors in Six Years after my Decease.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Wife Mary Iones all my Household Goods and the one half of all my moveable Estate within Doors and without Doors.

   Item. I give unto my beloved Wife Mary Iones the one Moiety or half part of all the Homested Farm on which I now live, with one of the little Islands lying opposite against it commonly called one of the Two Brothers, and one half of all the Buildings and Fences Standing or being thereon the Income thereof to be disposed of towards the Bringing up my two Youngest Children, To Wit, my Son Iabez and Daughter Lydia, and for her own Support so long as my Said Wife Shall live, and after her Decease to be divided betwixt my two youngest Children as follows vizt Two Thirds parts of Land and Island unto my Son Iabez and the other Third part unto my Daughter Lydia.

   Item. It is also my Will and Pleasure that the other Moiety or half part of my Homstead Farm and Buildings with the whole of two Small Islands the one lying at the Mouth of Portland Sound commonly called and known by the Name of Ram Island the other lying opposite against Said Farm commonly called One of the Two Brothers, and also all that part of the Marsh Lot so called which is not already disposed of with the other half of the Moveables to be disposed of at the Discretion of my Executors to pay my Funeral Charges just Debts, ye above Legacys and to defend Said Lands in the Law and the overplus if any be to be equally divided betwixt my Children hereafter named as Noah Ichabod Isaac & Moses the Heirs of Rebecca Mary Lucy and Unis. And I do hereby appoint my Son Stephen Iones and my beloved Wife Mary Jones joint Executors of this my last Will & Testament. Dated this twenty first Day of October One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty five 1745.

Signed Sealed pronounced &
   declared by the Sd Nathaniel
   Jones to be his last Will &
   Testamt In presence of
   Danforth Phipps
   Barnabas Seabury
   Iames Goddard
Memo the Words (all my
   my [sic] Household Goods
   and) were interlined
   before Ensealing of this
    Nathl Jones. (a Seal)
   Probated 8 Jany 1745. Inventory returned, 18 Feby 1745, at £2239: 8: 6, by Barnabas Seabury, John Snow and Edward King, appraisers. Additional Inventory brought in by the Executrix 6 Oct. 1748 of £975: 15: 6, old tenor, including debts collected for the Estate from Elisha Baker, John Farrow, Nathan Noyes, Samuel Noyes, and William Bucknam.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 500, citing Probate Office, 6, 156.

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