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Maine Wills


The Will of Jonathan Nason

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)

   In the Name of God Amen. The fourth Day of Novr in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty five I Ionathan Nason of Kittery in the County of York within the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Yeoman being Sick and Weak, but through Divine Goodness of Sound and perfect Memory, and not expecting to continue long in this Life do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, resigning my Soul to God, hoping for Mercy thrô Iesus Christ. I give and dispose of my Worldly Estate Real & personal in Manner following vizt

   My Will is and I do give and bequeath to my well beloved Wife Adah Nason all my moveable Estate within Doors and without (except farming Implements) to her Dispose, and if She leaves any undisposed of at her Death, to be divided amongst my Daughters. I likewise give to my Said Wife one Third part of the Produce of all my Real Estate compleatly managed to the best advantage and brought into her by my Son Azariah Nason, I like wise give her her Garden on the Eastern Side of the Way during her Life and the Western End of my House with the Cellar under it and one Third part of the Barn. I likewise give her Wood Sufficient for her own Fire to be haled to her by my Said Son Azariah; and if at any time my Said Wife See Cause to Manage her part her Self, My Will is that She have one half of my Real Estate during her natural Life and manage the Same her Self; My Will is likewise that my Said Wife bury me decently and pay my Funeral Charges.

   Item, I give and bequeath to my Son Richard Nason Five pounds lawful Money equal to Twenty pounds old Tenor besides what I have already given him.

   Item, I give and bequeath to my Son John Nason five Shillings old Tenor equal to one Shilling and three pence he having had his Portion already.

   Item, I give and bequeath to my Son Ionathan Nason Twenty Acres of Land in Fee Simple in Berwick being laid out to me by Vertue of my additional Grant as per the Return in Bewick Records recorded Decemr 24, 1731. I likewise give him Five pounds lawful Money equal to Twenty pounds old Tenor. I likewise give my Said Son Ionathan all my Estate in Berwick of whatever Kind in Fee Simple to him his Heirs and Assigns forever.

   Item, I give and bequeath to Ieremiah Nason the Son of my Son Uriah Nason Decd Fifty Shillings equal to Ten pounds old Tenor.

   Item, I give and bequeath to my two Eldest Daughters vizt Mary Libbey and Sarah Frost three pounds & fifteen Shillings lawful Money each equal to Fifteen pounds old Tenor each besides what I have already given them.

   Item, I give and bequeath to my Daughter Philedelphia Rankin Twenty pounds old Tenor equal to Five pounds lawful Money She having had Something before.

   Item, I give and bequeath to my other Two Daughters vizt Adah Nason and Elizabeth Nason Six pounds & five Shillings lawful Money each equal to Twenty five pounds old Tenor each.

   All the aforementioned Legacys to be paid by Son Azariah Nason.

   Item I give and bequeath to my Son Azariah Nason all my Estate in Kittery of whateuer kind (which has not heretofore been disposed of) in Fee Simple to him and his Heirs & Assigns forever he Managing and returning to his Mother during her Life Such a part of the Income of my Estate as I have allotted her in this my Will and find her Fire wood, and pay my Debts. My Will likewise is that my Said Son Azariah pay the Several Legacys herein expressed within Two Years after my Wifes Decease, and in Case my Said Wife incline to manage her part of my Estate her Self my Will is that my Said Son Azariah Surrender to her one Half of the Said Estate during her Life, & then to return to him again.

   Lastly, I constitute my Wife Adah Nason and my Son Azariah Nason Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I Set my Hand and Seal hereto the Day & Year above written.

Signed Sealed published pronounced
   & declared by the Said Iona Nason
   to be his last Will and Testament
   in presence of/
   Henry Snow
   Iohn Ferguson
   Ioseph Goold junr
   Caleb Emery.
Ionathan Nason (a Seal)
   Probated 7 April 1746. Inventory returned at £393: 3: 0, new tenor, by Nathan Bartlet, Benj. Stacy and Caleb Emery, appraisers, 23 May 1746.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 514, citing Probate Office, 6, 192.

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