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Maine Wills


The Will of John Wheelwright

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)

   In the Name of God Amen. I Iohn Wheelwright of Wells in the County of York within the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England Esqr being advanced in years and by Gods Providence often visited with Sickness and Indisposition of Body but of good and perfect Memory and of a Sound and disposing Mind considering the Uncertainty of this Life and not knowing how soon it may please almighty God to remove me out of this World do make constitute ordain & declare this my last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following hereby revoking and adnulling all former Wills & Testaments by me made either by Word or Writing, and First I commend my Soul to God my Creator hoping for Pardon of all my Sins and everlasting Salvation thrô the alone Merits of Iesus Christ and after my Decease my Body to be decently buried according to the Discretion of my Executrix hereafter named and as to my worldly Estate Shall be bestowed as followeth and by this my Will is expressed, vizt

   1ly That my funeral Charge and just Debts be paid by my Executrix out of my personal Estate.

   2ly That the Love and Affection I have and bear unto my beloved Wife Mary Wheelwright I give and bequeath unto her all my personal Estate as Household Goods Stock of Cattle and Creatures of all Kinds Negro or Molatto Servants Money or Bonds for Money or of what kind or Quality soever within Doors or without except what is or Shall be otherwise disposed of in this my last Will and to be disposed of by her as She may think fit And that She pay to my Daughter Hannah Plaisted Thirty one pounds Eighteen Shillings and 2d which makes up with what She hath already had of me Two Hundred pounds besides what I have laid out for her Apparel and fitting out for Marriage And to our Daughter Elizabeth Newmarch Seven pounds Twelve shillings which makes up with what I have given her already Two Hundred pounds besides what I laid out for her Apparell and fitting out for Marriage And to our Daughter Mary Moody Four pounds Sixteen Shillings and ten pence which makes up with what I have given her Two Hundred pounds besides what I laid out for her Apparell and fitting out for Marriage Our Daughter Sarah Jefferds having been paid by me Two Hundred pounds already besides what I laid out for her Apparell and fitting out for Marriage so Nothing for my Wife to pay to her; And if it Should please God to lengthen my Life so that I Should pay any or all of our Daughters the whole or part of what I have ordered my Wife to pay that then and in that Case so much Shall be abated of what my Wife was to pay out to our Daughters.

   3ly I give and bequeath unto my Son John Wheelwright his Heirs and Assigns forever Two Hundred and Fiteen Acres of Land and Meadow lying at Epeford, so called in the Township of Wells joining to that Two Hundred & Fifteen Acres I lately gave to my Son Ieremiah by Deed of Gift. I also giue unto my Son Iohn One Hundred Acres of Land which was confirmed to me by the Proprietors of ye common and undivided Lands in Wells lying on the Northerly Side of the little River adjoining to Land belonging to ye owners of a Mill Some time past burnt down which was on Said River the Bounds whereof will more fully appear by the Grant and Confirmation I also give unto my Son Iohn Wheelwright all my Common Rights of Comon & Commonages within the Township of Wells; as also Five Hundred Acres of Land lying and being within that Traet of Land of Eight Miles Square heretofore granted to William Phillips on the Inland Head of Wells Township I also further giue unto him the Said Iohn Wheelwright the one half of my Quarter part of Land Mill and Priviledge inthe Stream at Mousom great Falls with the Appurtenances thereunto belonging I having already given him Hundred pounds : reserving to my Wife her Right of Dower or Thirds during her natural Life in all the abovesaid Lands and Mill.

   4ly I give and bequeath unto my Son Samuel Wheelwright his Heirs and Assigns forever Four Hundred Acres of Land lying and being within that Tract of Land of Eight Miles Square heretofore granted to William Phillips on the Inland Head of Wells Township I having heretofore given him by Deed of Gift the one half of a large Farm with the Use of half the Buildings thereon as express'd therein it being where I lately dwelt all which with the Stock of Cattle &c I gave him in his Settlement I account to be his full Portion, and to make him an Allowance for the Time and Labour he Spent with me after he came to be of years, reserving to my Wife her Right of Dower or Thirds during her Natural Life in the abovesd premises.

   5ly I give and bequeath to my Son Ieremiah Wheelwright his Heirs and Assigns forever Three Hundred Acres of Land lying and being within that Tract of Land of Eight Miles Square heretofore granted to William Phillips on the Inland Head of Wells Township I having heretofore given him Two Hundred and Fifteen Acres of Land & Meadow by Deed of Gift lying in Wells at a place called Epiford and One Hundred and Sixty fiue pounds ten Shillings given him at Sundry times.

   6ly I give and bequeath to my Son Nathaniel Wheelwright his Heirs and Assigns for ever Three Hundred Acres of Land lying and being within that Tract of Land of Eight Miles Square formerly granted to William Phillips on the Inland head of Wells Township Also one half of that Quarter part of Land Mill and Priviledge of the Stream at Mousom great Falls I having heretofore given him by Deed of Gift the one Half of a large Farm with half the Buildings thereon as express'd in Said Deed, it being where I lately dwelt which with the Stock of Cattle &c. I gave him in his Settlement I account to be his full Portion, and to make him an allowance for the Time he dwelt with me after he came to age reserving to my Wife the whole Profit and Income of the Premisses now given during her Natural Life as also her Right of Dower in the aforementioned Premisses.

   7ly I giue and bequeath to my Daughter Esther Wheelwright if living is in Canada whom I have not heard of for this many Years and hath been absent for more than Thirty Years if it Should please God that She return to this Country & Settle here then my Will is that my Four Sons vizt Iohn Samuel Ieremiah and Nathaniel each of them pay her Twenty five pounds it being in the whole One Hundred pounds within Six Months after her Return and Settlement.

   8ly I further give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Mary Wheelwright her Heirs and Assigns forever all that piece of Land containing about Four or Five Acres be it more of less at the little River with the Saw Mill and Stream as the Said Mill and Stream is in partnership between me and Mr Iohn Wells also the Iron Work of the little Mill where my Sons Samuel and Nathaniel dwells/ and by these presents make constitute and appoint my beloved Wife Mary Wheelwright to be my Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament, desiring her to abide by this my Will.

   In Witness that this is my last Will and Testament I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the Eleventh Day of April in the twelfth Year of His Majestys Reign Annoque Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Nine 1739.

Signed Sealed published pro-
   nounced and declared by the
   Said Iohn Wheelwright as
   his last Will and Testament
   in the presence of us the
   Pelatiah Littlefield
   Nehemiah Littlefield
   Mehetabel Littlefield
Iohn Wheelwright (a Seal)
   Probated 8 April 1746.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 522, citing Probate Office, 6, 206.

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