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Maine Wills


The Will of John Fall

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)

   In the Name of God Amen. The first Day of August 1745. I Iohn Fall of Berwick in the County of York in the Massachusetts Bay in N : E : Yeoman, being very Sick and weak in Body, but of perfect Mind and Memory, Thanks be given unto God : therefore calling to Mind the Mortality of my Body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament; That is to Say, principally and first of all, I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of God that gave it, and my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors, Nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall receive the Same again by the mighty Power of God. And as touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life, I give demise & dispose of the Same in the following Manner.

   Imprs I give and bequeath to Iudith my dearly beloved Wife all my Household Stuff to be to her sole Use and dispose forever : And my Will is that She Shall have the Use of one half of my Homested and live Stock, and one half of my part of the Saw Mill at Salmon Falls, during her natural Life.

   Item, I bequeath to my Son Iohn Fall, all my Homested of Houses and Lands, containing about Thirty Acres, be it more or less, only his Mother is to have one half during Life : And this Bequest I give him provided he pay my Debts & Legacys and funeral Charge. It is my Will also that he Should have my part in the Saw Mill allowing his Mother the Use of one Half of the Priviledge during her Life. My Said Son Iohn Shall have one halfe of the Live Stock as well as the Utensils to ye Farm & Mill belonging to him his Heirs and Assigns forever.

   Item, I give to my Son Trustrum, Fifty Acres of Land with the Trees thereon, and all the Appurtenances thereto belonging, of my Right in the New Township, to him his Heirs & Assigns forever.

   Item, I give to my Son Zebedee Fifty Acres of Land with the Woods and Trees and Water Courses and other Appurtenances to the Same belonging of my Right in the new Township above Salmon Fall or Berwick, to him his Heirs & Assigns forever.

   Item I giue to my Son Phillip Fifty Acres of Land with Woods Trees, Water Courses, and other Appurtenances of my Right in the new Township above Berwick, to him his Heirs & Assigns forever.

   Item I give to my Son Iohn and Samuel all the Remainder of my Right in the new Township with the Appurtenances to enjoy in Severalty, To them their Heirs and Assigns forever.

   Item, I give to my Daughters Susannah Iudith Mary and Margaret Five pounds a piece in old Tenor.

   Finally I constitute my beloved Wife Iudith and my Son Iohn to be the Sole Executors of this my last Will & Testamt And I do hereby utterly disallow revoke and disanul all & every other former Testaments Wills Legacies and Bequests and Executors by me any Ways before named Willed and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the day and Year above written.

Signed Sealed published pronounced
   and declared by the Said Iohn Fall
   as his last Will and Testament, in
   the presence of Us the Subscribers.
   William Hupper
   Ioshua Nock
   Iohn X Hoffom
       his mark
Iohn + Fall (a Seal)
   his mark
   Probated 7 April 1746. Inventory returned 23 June 1746, at £1109: 19: 6, old tenor, by Moses Butler, Moses Hodsdon and William Hooper, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 518, citing Probate Office, 6, 196.

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