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Maine Wills


The Will of John Donnell

 New Search

 From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)

   I John Donnell of York in the County of York in New-England, Thrô Mercy am in Health both in Body and Mind, But not knowing how Soon I may be deprived of both do make This as my last Will and Testament. I bequeath to my well beloved Wife Sarah Donnell one Third part of all my personal Estate for ever the Use of my dwelling House and a Garden two Rods Square fenced with a Board Fence where She Shall chuse it, The keeping of one Cow and Six Sheep Winter and Summer for Life and Eight Bushels of Indian Corn and Two Bushels of Rye, One Hundred Weight of Pork and one Hundred Weight of Beef and Eight Cords of Wood corded up at her Door annually for Life to be paid by Son Thomas.

   Item, I bequeath to each of my Daughter vizt Abigail Elizabeth Rebecca Mary and Iemima Five pounds apiece in Province Bills of the new Tenor or lawful Silver Money to be paid by my Son Thomas and two Thirds of my personal Estate to be equally divided among them I order my Son Thomas to pay all my Debts and bury me decently

   Item I bequeath to my only Son Thomas Donnell and his Heirs and Assigns forever all my real Estate he paying and allowing all the legacies above mentioned. And I appoint my Said Son to be the Sole Executor to this my Will and do by these presents revoke and make Void all former Wills.

Iohn Donnell (a Seal)

Signed Sealed and declared by the Said Iohn Donnell to be
   his last Will and Testament March 29, 1738. In the pres-
   ence of us.
   Ioseph Holt
   Samll Sewall
   William Dunning
   Henry Ingraham
   Probated 19 Feby 1745. Inventory returned 7 April 1746, at £382: 7 :6, by John Woodbridge, Benja Holt and Norton Woodbridge, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 511, citing Probate Office, 6, 183.

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