The Will of Elliot Frost
From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)
In the Name of God Amen. the Thirteenth Day of December Annoque Domini 1745. I Elliot Frost of Kittery in the County of York within the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Gentleman, being very Sick & weak in Body but of Sound Mind thrô Divine Goodness and expecting the time of my Death to be near; for preventing any Trouble and Dispute about my Estate after my Decease Do make this my last Will and Testament.
Imprimis. I give and bequeath to my well beloved Wife Miriam all that my Lands and Marsh which I purchased of Daniel Ferguson with the Buildings and Appurtenances at Fergusons Hill so called to her the Said Miriam and her Heirs in Fee Simple forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my Said Wife the Use and Improvement of my Lot of Land lying on Spruce Creek Road between the Lands of Mr Iohn Leighton and Lands formerly Mr Robert Cutts containing Thirty Acres with the House and Barn Standing thereon, to her the Said Miriam during her Widowhood.
Item, I give to my well beloved Brother Simon Frost all that my Thirty Acre Lot of Land lying on Spruce Creek Road between the Lands of Mr Iohn Leighton and Lands formerly Mr Robt Cutts with the House and Barn thereon with the Priviledges and Appurtenances to him the Said Simon Frost and his Heirs in Fee Simple forever, reserving to my Wife the Use and Improvement thereof during her Widowhood as aforesaid.
Item. I give and bequeath to my loving Brothers John Frost and Simon Frost all my woolin and Linnen Cloaths in equal Shares.
Item, I give to my honoured Mother Iane Frost twenty five Head of my neat Cattle taking great and Small together and all my Sheep, and my Will is that my Said Mother Shall have the Use and Improvement of my Horse and Chair as She Shall have Occasion for the Same during her Life.
Item, all the Rest and Residue of my Estate I give to my loving Wife Miriam in Fee Simple, be it Lands Goods and Chattels Plate & Moneys in any Place and Places wheresoever & whatsoever it is willing her to pay my just Debts as Soon as She can. Lastly I make my Said Wife Sole Executrix of this my Will hereby revokeing all and every former and other Will Testament Legacy and Bequest by me heretofore made Witness my Hand & Seal the Day abouesd.
Signed Sealed pronounced & declared by the Said Elliot Frost as his last Will & Testament in presence of after the words (Plate & Money) were interlined Tobias Leighton Benjamin Stacy Noah Emery | ![]() | Elliot Frost (a Seal) |
Probated 14 Jan. 1745. Inventory returned 20 Mch 1746, at £591: 16: 8¼, new tenor, by Noah Emery, Humphrey Scammon and Samuel Fernald, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 503, citing Probate Office, 6, 161. |
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