The Will of Arthur Bragdon
From York County Probate Records, Volume Six (1736-46)
The last Will & Testament of Arthur Bragdon of York in the County of York in New England Gent made this fifteenth Day of March Anno Domini one thosand seven hundred & thirty six. being far advanced in Years & not knowing the Day of my Death I would settle my worldly Estate & I Dispose of the same in manner following Viz.
Imprimis I give to my Loving & faithfull Wife Sarah Bragdon all the House hold stuff I shall Leave at my Decease besides her Dower & Thirds in all ye rest of my Estate for ever & ye Real for Life.
Item. I Give to my Daughters Sarah Johnson & Martha Lord Each ten shillings to be paid by my Executor besides what I have already given.
Item To my Daughters Tabitha Linscot Bethia Leavitt & Love Sayer I give Each thirty pounds to be paid as aforesd within four Years after ye Decease of me & my Wife.
Item. I Give to my Daughter Mercy sixty pounds the one half on Demand the other half within four Years after my Decease if She shall survive me.
Item I Give to my Grandaughter Olive Farnam thirty pounds to be paid at ye Age of Eighteen Years or time of Marriage & if She should Die before sd time then to be equally divided between her Brothers Daniel Zebadiah & Joshua.
Item. I Do give & bequeath to my only Son Thomas Bragdon all the Residue of my Estate both Real & Personal (he paying the above Legacies) to him & his Heirs for ever. only it is my Desire to my said Son that if his Son Daniel Bragdon shall behave himself well he may have settled upon him my part of the dwelling House & one half of the Home place besides what else my sd son shall see cause to give him.
Lastly I Do hereby Constitute & appoint my said Son the Sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year above written.
Signed Sealed published pronounced & Declared by ye aforenamed Arthur Bragdon to be his last Will & Testament In presence of us. James Grant Jur Alexander Junkins John Mackintire Jur | ![]() | Arthur Bragdon (Seal) |
Probated 5 May 1743. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 471, citing Probate Office, 6, 57. |
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