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Maine Wills


The Will of William Eaton

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)

   In the Name of God amen the thirty first Day of March one Thousand seven hundred & forty one, I William Eaton of Wells in ye County of York in ye Province of ye Massachusets Bay in New-England Yeoman being aged and Infirm in Body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be to God for it Calling to mind my own mortality & knowing That it is appointed to man once to Die Do make & Ordain this my Last Will & Testament (that is to say) Principally and first of all I Recommend my Soul into the Hands of God who gave it : and my Body to the Earth to be buried in decent Christian Burial at ye Discretion of my Executor hereafter named Nothing doubting but at ye General Resurrection I shall Receive ye same again by ye mighty Power of God And as Touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I bequeath & dispose of ye same in form & manner following Vizt :

   Imprimis my Will & Desire is that all my Just & Lawfull Debts be duly & honestly paid by my Executor hereafter named & that they be paid out of my moveable Estate.

   Item. I Give unto my beloved Son Joshua Eaton all my out Lands in ye Township of Wells & in the County of York aforesd Together with all that Peice & parcell of Salt Marsh which I formerly bought of John Eldredge of Wells aforesaid.

   Item. I Give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Mary Credefor Thirty pounds to be paid by my Executor within two Years next after my Decease over and above what I have already given her and also one half of my household Stuff Excepting one Feather Bed with ye furniture belonging to it.

   Item. I Give & bequeath unto my Beloved Daughter Ruth Eaton Thirty pounds to be paid by my Executor when She arrives to ye Age of Eighteen Years old after my Decease over & above what I have given her & also one half of my Houshold Stuff.

   Item. I Give & bequeath unto my Beloved Son Joseph Eaton all my homestead & salt Marsh belonging to the homstead together with my Dwelling Hous Barn buildings & Fences on sd Homstead & one Feather Bed with ye furniture belonging to it; and further my Will is that my Son Joseph Eaton and my Daughter Ruth Eaton shall have ye proffits of ye Homstead & of the Stock of Cattle Excepting what may be for the paying of Legacies & Debts the Remainder of the Proffits to be for the Education Learning & bringing up my said Son Joseph Eaton untill he arrives to the age of twenty one years and my said Daughter Ruth untill She arrives to ye Age of Eighteen years.

   And I Do hereby Nominate Constitute & appoint John Storer of Wells in said County Esq. to be the Sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament and Do hereby Revoak & Disannull all other & former Wills & Testaments by me made and Do hereby Ratify & Confirm this & no other to be my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seal ye Day & Year above written.

Signed Sealed published pronounc'd
   & Declared by ye abovesd William
   Eaton To be his Last Will & Testa-
   ment in presence of us the Sub-
   Joseph Hatch
   Isaac Buswell
   Samll Emery
   Daniel X Eldridge
        his mark
William Eaton (Seal)
   Probated 19 Jan. 1741. Inventory returned 19 April 1742, at £1291: 6: 6, by John Butland, Pelatiah Littlefield and Joseph Hatch, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 442, citing Probate Office, 5, 252.

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