The Will of Sarah Mitchell
From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)
In the Name of God Amen ye Sixth Day of March Anno Domini one thousand seven Hundred & thirty foure I Sarah Mitchel of Kittery in ye County of York within ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New-England widow (of Robert Mitchel late of Kittery in ye sd County tavern-keeper) being sick & weak but of perfect memory praise be given to almighty God for ye same & Knowing ye uncertainty of this Life on Earth & being desirous to settle things in Order. Doe make this my last Will & testament in manner & form following that is to say first & principally I Commend my Soul to Almighty God my Creator Assuredly believing that I shall receive full pardon & free Remition of all my sins and be saved by ye pretious Death & merits of my Blessed Saviour & Reedeemer Christ Jesus & my Body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in such Decent & Christian manner as my Executor hereafter named shall be thot meet & Convenient. & as touching such worldly Estate as ye Lord in mercy hath given me my Will & meaning is the same shall be imployed & bestowed as hereafter by this my Will is Expressed And first I Revoake renounce frustrate & make void all Wills by me formerly made & Declare & appoint this my last Will & testament. Item I Give and bequeath unto my Son Robert Mitchel & his heirs & assigns for ever halfe an acre of Land next adjoyning to ye house where I now Dwell the House being formerly given to him by my Decesd husband. I Give & bequeath unto my Son in Law William Kearswell five shillings to be paid him by my Executr hereafter named, which is to be in full for all & Every part that the sd Wm Kearswell is to have for any part of my Estate. I Give & bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Kearswell & to her heirs & assigns for ever one acre & three quarters of an acre of Land being ye remainder of what was not given to her Husband Wm Kearswell of ye two Acres of Land which was given to me by my Honord Father Mr Roger Dearing of Kittery aforesd Decesd. I likewise give unto my sd Daughter Mary Liberty to Cutt & hale off from halfe an Acre of my wood land ye wood that is or shall Grow on halfe an Acre provided she Dwells in Kittery. I likewise give unto my sd Daughter Mary During her Naturall Life & after her Decease to be Divided to & amongst her Children as she shall see meet. One third part of all my Personal Estate Except what is hereafter Given. I Give unto my Son & Daughter Mannarin & Sarah Beal one third part of all my personal Estate Except what is hereafter given.
I Give and bequeath unto my son & Daughter Samll and Elizath Greenough one third part of all my personal Estate Except what is hereafter Given. I Give & bequeath unto my Son Roger Mitchel who I Do hereby Nominate & appoint my Sole Executor of this my last Will & testament all my Lands & other my Real Estate of what kind & quality soever or wheresoever Except what is before given to him his heirs & assigns for ever as likewise all my Debts that is due to me by any ways & means whatsoever or wheresoever/ I likewise give him all ye money that I have or may have by me or in any persons hands whatsoever, he paying all the Debts thats Due from me & all Funerall Charges & he paying within two Years after my Decease for the Use of my Grandson James Kearswell unto his Guardian five pounds in Currt Bills of Credit of this Province & unto ye Guardian of my Grandson Robert Greenough for his Use ye like sum of five pounds to be paid within two Years after my Decease. & unto ye Guardian of my Grandson Robert Mitchell son of ye aforesd Roger Mitchell ye like sum of fiue pounds to be paid within two years after my Decease. And before my Personall Estate shall be Divided amongst my Daughters, I Give out of it unto my Grand Daughter Sarah Kearswell my linning spining Wheel & ye Bed I ly on & likewise it is my Will that my three Daughters pay out of my Personal Estate which I have before given towards ye repairing ye Friends meeting House so called at Dover in ye Province of New-hampshire Fourty shillings. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal ye Day & Year above written.
the words Enterlined (Except what is before given) was before signing & sealing herof.
Signed Sealed & pronounced this to be her last Will & testament In ye presence of Us. Wm Pepperell Wm Dearing John Dearing Marget Hixson. | ![]() | Sarah Mitchell (Seal) |
Probated 14 Feby. 1735-6. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 372, citing Probate Office, 5, 42. |
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