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Maine Wills


The Will of Samuel Webber

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)

   In the Name of God Amen. To all Christian People whom it may concern/ Know ye that I Samll Webber of York, being in my right mind; for good Reasons me hereunto moving, Do this Day make this my last Will and Testament.

   Imps In the first place I Do committ my Immortal & precious Soul unto God, who gave it me; as unto a Faithful Creator : And my Body to the Durst, & at my Dece'se to be decently buried in hope of a glorious Resurrection at the last Day.

   It. I make & appoint that my Dear & wel-beloved Wife Elizabeth be my Sole Executrix; & that she first pay the whole of my Just Debts with my Personall Estate : but if there is not not sufficient personal Estate to Discharge them then that A part of the Real Estate be sold for that purpose & that my beloved Wife have one third of the whole of my Estate both Real & Personal after all my Just Debts are paid.

   It. I give & bequeath unto my Eldest Son Samll twenty five Acres of my Home Lott, with A fifth part of the Housing & Barn; as also A fifth part of the Nine Acres of fresh Meadow Land, that I have at ye great Marsh so called.

   It. I give & bequeath unto my Son Gershom, thirty Acres of my Home Lott, with the fifth part of my Housing & Barn as also A fifth of the Nine Acres of Fresh Meadow Land that I have at the great Marsh so called.

   It. I give & bequeath unto my Son Nathanll twenty five Acres of my home Lott, as also A fifth part of Nine Acres of fresh Meadow Land, which is at the great Marsh.

   It. I give & bequeath unto my Son Joseph twenty five Acres of my home Lott : as also a fifth part of Nine Acres of fresh Meadow Land lying at the great Marsh so called.

   It. I give & bequeath unto my Son Paul five Acres of my home Lott as also a fifth part of Nine Acres of fresh Meadow Land lying at the great Marsh so called.

   It. I give & bequeath unto my Daughters Bershebe, Mercy, Abigail Sarah Dorcas & Elizath Each of them ten pounds to be paid to them by my Sons, when they enter into possession of the Lands above mentioned.

   It is my Will & Intention that my beloved Wife Elizath Do keep Possession of the whole of my Estate both Housing & Lands untill my Youngest Son Paul Do come to ye Age of twenty one years—And then & not till then, all my Sons as Abovementioned, shall come into possession of their respective Portions & Divide it amongst themselves as they can Agree : or if they cannot agree concerning the Division : that then they call in the help of 2 or 3 Indifferent Persons & abide by their Judgment.

   Furthermore it is my Will & pleasure : that not any of my Sons do sell any part or the whole of the Lands, Housing and Meadow to any Stranger whatsoever or Do make any Exchange or any ways convey or aliene to none : Excepting this : that they have Liberty either to sell or Lett any part or the whole either of the Housing or Lands bequeathed on the Other side by this Instrument. But Brother may Lett or sell to Brother but to no other.

   It I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Mary twenty shillings to be paid by my Sons when they take possession of the Lands given them as above.

   In testimony of my consent to the whole of this my Last Will & Testament I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal this 25th Day of March 1735.

Witnesses to Samll Webbers signing
   Sealing & Delivering this his last
   Will & Testament.
   Wait Webber
   Elias Weare
   Alexander Bulman
Samuel Webber (Seal)
   Probated 29 May 1735. Inventory returned at £1124: 3: 1, by Samuel Clark, Eliakem Wardwell and John Woodman Jr, apprisers, 19 Sept. 1735.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 364, citing Probate Office, 5, 14.

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