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Maine Wills


The Will of Ruth Parsons

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)

   The Last Will & Testament of Ruth Parsons of York in the County of York Widow made ye Eleventh Day of April A : D : 1737. Being in a weak & Low Estate as to my Bodely Health & not Knowing how soon it may please God to call me out of this world & being Desireous to prevent as far as in me lies all Differences & Disputes between my Dear Children after my Decease I Do hereby Order & Dispose of my small worldly Estate as follows vizt.

   First It is my Will that all my just Debts & Funeral Charges be paid out of the Quick Stock.

   Item What shall remain of the sd Quick Stock & also what is due to me on promisary Notes or otherwise from any Person whatsoever & all Rights & Grants of Land be Equally Divided into seven shares among my six Children & my little Grand Child Mary Dill.

   Item I hereby give & bequeath to my youngest Daughter Elisabeth all my Household Goods of what Kind soever.

   Item. I give to my two sons Joseph & Elihu ye House & Barn which I have erected on ye Home place at ye other end of ye Town in ye first Parish only, it is my Will that sd Joseph shall pay ten pounds to his sister Dill & sd Elihu Ten pounds a piece to his sisters Hannah & Elisath said House & Barn to be equally Divided between my sd Two sons as ye place was Ordred to be by their Father Decesd.

   Lastly I Do hereby Constitute & appoint my Eldest son John the sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament. Wittness my Hand & seal the Day & year above written.

Signed sealed published pro-
   noundced & Declared by
   Ruth Parsons to be her
   last Will & Testament.
   In Presence of Us,
   Deborah X Willson
          her mark
   Anne Willson
   Joseph Moody.
Ruth Parsons (seal)
   her mark
   Probated 28 Sept. 1737. Inventory returned 29 Oct. 1737, at £162: 4: 0, by Andrew Grover, Joseph Willson and Zacheus Trafton, appraisers. Debt due from Henry Simpson.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 393, citing Probate Office, 5, 91.

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