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Maine Wills


The Will of Richard Chick

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)

   In the Name of God Amen the Ninteenth Day of Decr in ye year of our Lord 1735. I Richard Chick of Kittery in ye County of York within ye Province of ye Massachusets Bay in New England yeoman being sick & weak in Body but of sound mind Do make & ordain this my Last Will & Testament Vizt in ye first place recomending my soul to God my Creator hopeing for salvation through Jesus Christ my Body I Commit to ye Earth to be Decently Intered in Decent manner at ye Discretion of my Executors & as Touching my worldly Goods I bequeath them in manner following Vizt

   Ims. I give & bequeath to Martha my beloved Wife one third part of my Personal Estate forever And one third part of my Real Estate during Life.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my beloved son Richard Chick my House & Barn & Lands where I now live on the North side of ye Road Containing about twenty Acres be it more or less (Excepting Two acres for Thomas to be hereafter mentioned) To him my sd son Richard & To ye Next Heir Male Lawfully to be begotten by him & in case of failure of Heirs Male by him to be begotten as aforesd ye same shall after ye Decease of my sd son Richard be & remain unto my two sons Thos & Nathan in Equal halves to them & their heirs for ever.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my beloved son Thomas Chick two Acres of Land on ye North side of ye Road next to John Morrells Land frounting on ye Road Eighteen Rods & Extending back that breadth next to John Morrells Land till ye sd two Acres is Compleated (this being the two acres Excepted out of ye Land given to Richard as aforesd) To him ye sd Thomas Chick & his Heirs for Ever.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my beloved son Joshua Chick Twenty shillings in money or Bills of Credit to be paid to him ye sd Joshua by my son Nathan within six Months after my Decease.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my beloved son Nathan Chick all my Lands & Marsh Adjoyning to Sturgeon Creek lying on ye south side of ye Road leading from my House toward ye Cedars so Called ye sd Lands lying between James Davis's Land & John Morrells Land Containing about ten Acres be it more or less the Marsh being about two Acres be it more or Less lying neare by ye Bridge Called ye Cedor Bridge Joyning to ye Creek Called Sturgeon Creek in Kittery aforesd To him ye sd Nathan & his Heirs for ever.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my three sons Richard & Thomas & Nathan all my Rights in ye Commons and undivided Lands in Kittery & Berwick to say to ye sd Richard one half thereof & to ye sd Thomas & Nathan Each one quarter part thereof To them the said Richard Thomas & Nathan and their Heirs for ever.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my sd son Nathan all my stock of Liveing Creatures & utensils of Husbandry Excepting his Mothers thirds aforementioned (and one Good Cow for his Sister Elizabeth Emery) he the sd Nathan paying ye afore mentioned twenty shillings to his Brother Joshua & what I shall herein Order him to pay to his sisters I also Give to ye sd Nathan one Feather Bed & bedding.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Elizath Emery one Good Cow.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my four Da[u]ghters Vizt Elizth Emery, Mary Huntress, Winnefrid Bickford & Martha Bickford all my house hold goods & moveables within Doors of every sort (not herein before bequethed) to be equally Divided amongst them I also give to my sd Daughters five shillings in money to Each of them to be paid by my aforesd son Nathan within six Months after my Decease. I also give to my sd four Daughters my Pew & privilidge thereof in ye meeting house in the upper Parrish in Kittery to them for the Use of them and their Children & not to be sold from them.

   Item All ye Rest & Residue of my Estate whatsoever & wheresoever I Give & bequeath unto my two sons Richard & Nathan afore named in Equall shares & I Do hereby Nominate & appoint my sd sons Richard & Nathan to be ye Executors of this my will & they to be at ye Charge of my Funeral and I Do hereby, Renounce all former & other Wills Legacies & bequests by me in any manner before made ratifying & Declareing this & no other to be my last Will & Testament In Wittness whereof I here unto set my hand & seal ye Day & year first above written.

Signed sealed pronounced &
   Declared by ye sd Richard
   Chick to be his Last Will &
   Testament in presence of
   John X Heard
      his mark
   Jno Morrell
   Edmund Coffin
Richard Chick (seal)
       his mark
   Probated 19 Sept. 1737. Inventory returned 24 Sept. 1737 at £933: 18: 0, by Nathan Bartlet, Tobias Leighton and John Tidy, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 390, citing Probate Office, 5, 88.

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