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Maine Wills


The Will of Peter Lewis

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)

   In the Name of God Amen the seventeenth Day of May Anno Domini one Thousand seven hundred Thirty & nine I Peter Lewis of Kittery in ye County of York in the Province of ye Massachusets Bay in New-England Shipwright, being sick & weak in Body but of perfect mind & memory Thanks be given unto God : Therefore calling unto mind ye Mortality of my Body. Do make & Ordain this my last Will & Testament that is to say principally & first of all I give & Recomend my Soul into ye Hands of God that gave it, and my Body I Recommend to ye Earth to be Buried in decent Christian Burial at ye Discretion of my Executors. And as touching such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I give demise & dispose of ye same in ye following manner & form.

   Imprimis It is my Will That my Funeral Charges & all my Just Debts as soon as may be Conveniently after my Decease be paid in ye following manner Vizt Thirty pounds thereof to be paid by my Son Peter Lewis and if there should remain any more to be paid than that sum will discharge so much of my personal or moveable Estate shall be sold as will pay it.

   Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth my dearly beloved Wife all ye Remainder of my personal Estate & moveable Effects that shall not be disposed of for ye defraying of my Debts & Funeral Charges to be her own & to her Disposal for ever. I also give to her during her natural Life the Use & Improvement of one third part of all my Lands including the Land where on my son Peter Lewis now Dwells only only her Right or thirds in that Land shall be set off to her together with her right or third part of ye Land or Farm whereon I now Live & possess I also give to her the Use & Improvement of my Dwelling House & Barn & liberty to Cutt fencing & fire wood on my Land for her own use during her Widowhood.

   Item I give to my wellbeloved Son Peter Lewis his Heirs & Assigns for ever the Land or Farm which he now possesseth & whereon he now Dwelleth together with all ye Housing that is thereon & all ye privilidges & appurtenances thereunto belonging : And also all that Land or Farm which I now possess & whereon I Dwell & live together with all ye Buildings that are thereon & all ye appurtenances & privilidges thereunto belonging to him his Heirs & assigns for ever only Excepting what I have herein given unto my Wife Eliza during her Widowhood & natural Life. provided & on Condition that he pay ye several sums which in these presents he is & shall be Ordred to pay.

   Item I give to my well beloved Daughter Mary Lewis Forty pounds in Currant Money or Bills of Credit of this Province to be paid to her or such as shall Legally represent her by my Son Peter Lewis or his Heirs within ye space of two years next ensuing my Decease.

   Item I give to my wellbeloved Daughter Katharine Phennicke forty pounds in Currant money or Bills of Credit of this Province to be paid to her or such as shall legally represent her by my Son Peter Lewis or his Heirs within ye space of four Years next following my Decease.

   Item I give to my wellbeloved Daughter Sarah Lewis Forty pounds in Currant money or in good passable Bills of Credit of this Province to be paid her or such as shall Legally represent her by my son Peter Lewis or his Heirs within ye space of six Years next Ensuing my Decease.

   Item I give to my well beloved Daughter Abigail Trafton forty pounds in Currant Money or in good passable Bills of Credit of this Province to be paid to her or such as shall Legally represent her by my Son Peter Lewis his Heirs &c. within the space of Eight years next ensuing my Decease.

   Item I give to my well beloved Daughter Eunice Lewis Forty pounds in Currant money or good passable Bills of Credit of this Province to be paid to her or such as shall Legally represent her by my Son Peter Lewis his Heirs Execrs or Adminisrs within ye space of ten Years next ensuing my Decease.

   Item. I give to my Grand Children namely Samll Tripe Abigail Tripe, Anne Tripe & William Tripe, the Children of my Daughter Luce Tripe Decsd Forty pounds to be paid to them by my Son Peter Lewis in equall Shares or Portions as they shall come to a Lawfull age to receive their part & to be paid in Currant money or passable Bills of Credit of this Province and if it should so happen that any of my above named Grand Children shall depart this Life before he or She shall be of a Lawfull Age to receive what is herein given to him or her & shall leave no Lawfull surviveing Issue to Inherit their part then ye Dece'seds part shall be equally divided among ye Surviveing.

   Item. If any of my above named Daughters should Depart this Life before ye sum or Legacy which I have herein given to them be paid & leave no Legall surviveing Issue or posterity to receive it then ye Decesds Legacy shall be paid unto & divided amongst my Surviveing Daughters or such as shall Legally represent them in equal Shares or Portions. Item If any of my Daughters above-named shall be unmarried after my Decease they then shall have the liberty to live in my Dwelling house & ye liberty of Egress & Regress there during their continueing in an unmarried Estate and no longer.

   Finally I Constitute make & Ordain my beloved Wife Elizabeth & my Son Peter Lewis my Sole Execurs of this my last Will & Testament. And I Do hereby utterly disallow, Revoak & disannul all & every other former Testaments Wills Legacies & bequests & Execurs by me in any ways before Named Willed & bequeathed Ratifying & Confirming this & no other to be my last Will & Testament.

   In Wittness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal the Day & Year above written.

Signed sealed Published
   pronounced & Declared by
   ye sd Peter Lewis as his last
   Will & Testament in the
   presence of Us the Subscribers.
   Joseph Willson
   John X Hutchins
      his mark
   Samll Haly
   John Newmarch.
/memorandum that ye words
   of one third part & House
   & widowhood & were in-
   terlined before signing.
   Peter Lewis (seal)
      his mark
   Probated 21 June 1739. Inventory returned 13 July 1739, at £1422: 16: 5, by Joseph Willson, John Hutchins and Samuel Haley, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 409, citing Probate Office, 5, 160.

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