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Maine Wills


The Will of Nathaniel Leman

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)

   In the Name of God amen the tenth Day of April Anno Domini 1735 I Nathanll Leman of York in ye County of York, being sick in Body. but of sound Mind & not knowing how soon it may please God to take out of this World by Death I Do resign my Soul to him in hope of Eternal Life. And as to my temporal Interest & Estate I Dispose thereof in Manner following Vizt

   Imps My Will is that all such Debts as are Due from me to any Person shall be well & truly paid in Convenient time after my Dece'se/ And for ye payment there of I Do Give unto my Dear & Loving Wife Mary Leman (whom I hereby make the sole Executrix to this my Will) full power to sell & Dispose of all or any part of my Estate Real or Personall in York aforesd or in any other place or places wheresoever & ye Deeds or Conveyances that she shall make & Execute Concerning ye same shall be as Good & Valid in Law as if I my self had made & Executed the same in my Life time.

   Item. My Will is that my Executrix (after she shall have paid all my Debts) shall pay & Deliver to Each of my Children Namely John, Samuel, Daniel, Ebenezer, Mary, Sarah, Elizath & Hannah A New Bible to be given or Delivered to them when they Arive to ye Age of Eighteen Years or Marriage respectively or sooner if she pleases.

   Item. I Give & bequeath unto my Loving Wife Mary Leman aforesd all ye rest & residue of my Estate rights titles & Interest Real & Personall wheresoever & whatsoever for Her Comfortable support & the support of my Children & to be Disposed of by Her in such Manner & at such time as she shall see meet & to whome she please She having by force of this my Will A fee simple in the same.

   Lastly. I Do hereby pronounce & Declare this & No other to be my Last Will & testament utterly revokeing & Declareing to be Null & Void all former & Other Wills testaments Legacies & bequests by me before made. In Witness whereof I the said Nathall Leman hereunto set my hand & seal the Day abovesd.

Signed Sealed Pronounced & De-
   clared by ye said Nathall Leman
   to be his last Will And testament
   in presence of,
   Benjamin Harmon
   Catharine Harmon
   Francis X Gray
         his mark
   Noah Emery
Nathanll Leman (Seal)
   Probated 11 Nov. 1735. Inventory returned at £336: 13: 8, by Joseph Holt, Benja Harmon and Noah Emery, appraisers, 20 April 1736.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 366, citing Probate Office, 5, 16.

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