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Maine Wills


The Will of Jonathan Stone

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)

   In the Name of God amen. The last Will & Testament of Jonathan Stone of Berwick in the County of York Yeoman being aged & weak yet haveing perfect memory the Lord be praised, not knowing how soon God may end the Days of my Pilgrimage.

   1st I give & bequeath my Soul to God that gave it & my Body to ye Earth from whence it came to be decently buried by my Executors after named.

   2. I Give & bequeath to my Loveing Son Joseph Stone all my moveable Goods within Doors & without, & all my Stock of Creatures that is on the Place, & I Do Constitute & appoint my Son Joseph Stone to support my Dear & loving Wife Sarah & to give her a Comfortable maintanance dureing her natural Life.

   3. I Give & bequeath to my Loveing Sons Paul & Joseph Stone them & their heirs for ever my home Stead Dwelling House Barn & orchard Meadows mowing Land appertaining to the same Equally to be Divided between them as they shall agree concerning the same. And in Case my Son Joseph should Decease without Heirs ye aforesd Estate to return to my Son Paul & his Heirs.

   4ly I Give & bequeath to my Loving Son Skinner & his Heirs five Acres of Marsh (Land) adjoyning to the Marsh of Josiah Goodridge.

   5ly I Give & bequeath to my Three Sons Paul, Skinner & Joseph the one Quarter of the Stream Frame in a Mill in which Mill the Shore Frame is owned by or in the possession of the Heirs of Nathall Gerrish late of Berwick Decesd with all ye privilidges & appurtenances thereunto belonging to them & their heirs in Equall Shares.

   6. I give and bequeath to my loveing Sons Paul & Joseph Stone all my Common Rights, Grants & Timber Land & undivided Land that lyeth in Kittery or Berwick Commons that Doth now appear or shall hereafter appear to be my Right or their Grandfathers Property, or any other Estate Real or Personal whatsoever not already given away to them & their Heirs.

   7. I Give & bequeath to my Loving Son Jonathan Stone five shillings.

   8. I Give & bequeath to my Loving Daughter Eliza Neal five shillings.

   9. I Give & bequeath to my Loving Daughter Mary May, five shillings.

   10. I Give & bequeath to ye Children of my loving Daughter Patience Dike five shillings.

   11. I Give & bequeath to my Loving Daughter Sarah Libbey five shillings.

   12. I make & Constitute my loving Wife Sarah & Paul & Joseph Stone to be my Executors & to perform this my Last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this third Day of April annoque Domini 1742. & in the fifteenth Year of his Majesties Reign George the second.

   Signed sealed & Delivered to be my Last Will & Testament in presence of.

   John Holmes
   John Janverin
   Samuel Hupper.
Jonathan Stone (seal)
   Probated 26 May 1742.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 449, citing Probate Office, 5, 265.

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