The Will of Jedediah Jorden
From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)
In the Name of God amen, I Jedediah Jorden of Kittery in ye County of York within ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New-England Yeoman being in good health make this my last Will & testament in manner & form as followeth/ I comitt my Soul to God hopeing in his Mercy to Injoy Eternal Life & after my Decease my Body to be Decently buried as my Executors hereafter named shall think proper & as to my Estate I Give as followeth/ I make Ordain & Impower my Sons John Jorden, Robert Jorden & Thomas Jorden Executors of this my last Will & testament of my whole Estate after my Just Debts & Funeral Charges paid, I give my two Daughters Mary & Savaih Jordens all my personal Estate to be Divided Equally between them.
I Give ye Neck of Land at Spurwink in ye township of Falmouth to John Jorden & Thomas Jorden & Jedediah Jordens Children to be Divided Equally between them only reserveing A piece of swampy low Land which I give to Robert Jorden which lyes on ye Eastermost side of ye old Neck of Land begining at ye point where ye Cattle formerly youst to pass over to my Brother Jordens Marsh where ye Creek parted my Bo John & I, and so run round that piece of swompy Land to A place where ye Cattle formerly youst to pass over from ye sd Neck of Land to ye great Plains. John Jorden to have his part on ye home place/ Thomas Jorden to have his part where he made Choice of/
Jedediah Jordens Children to have their part where their Father made Choice off in his lifetime.
I Give to my Eldest Dafters Son John Moor forty Acres of Land out of my Farm at Spurwink in ye township aforesd to be laid out by my Exccutors fronting ye Marsh forty Rod in Breadth 160 Rod in length by my Brother Dominicus Jordens Line & my line. I give to my Daughter Abigail Robison fifty Acres of Land out of my Farm at Spurwink aforesd to be laid out by my Executors fronting ye Marsh fifty Rod Broad 160 Rod in length next John Moors Lot. I give to my Daughter Mary Jorden fifty Acres of Land out of my Farm at Spurwink aforesd to be laid out by my Execurs fronting the Marsh fifty Rod Broad 160 Rod in length by Robersons Lot/ I Give my Daghter Sarah Jackson fifty Acres of Land out of my Farm at Spurwink aforesd to be laid out by my Executs fronting ye Marsh fifty Rod in bredth 160 rod in length by Marys Lot/
I Give unto my Daughter Saviah Jorden fifty Acres of Land out of my Farm at Spurwink aforesd to be laid out by my Execurs fronting ye Marsh fifty Rod broad 160 Rod in length by Sarah Jacksons Lot/
I Give my Old mooing Marsh at Spurwink aforesd to be Equally amongst all my Children & Gran Children before mentioned. & what Lands soever is not Yeat given shall be Divided Equally between John Jorden & Thomas Jorden & Jedediah Jordens Children. I Publish & Declare this to be my last Will & testament & renounce all former Wills. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this Sixth Day of March one thousand seven hundred twenty Nine ye second year of ye Reign of our Lord King George ye second of Great Britain Frans & Ireland &c.
Signed & Sealed In presence of Us. Nathan White John Jorden Timo Gerrish. | ![]() | Jedediah Jorden (Seal) his mark |
Probated 16 Jany 1735-6. Inventory returned 13 Apr. 1736, at £1064: 10: 0, by James Garlan, Nathaniel Jordan and James Maxwell, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 374, citing Probate Office, 5, 49. |
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