The Will of Benjamin Prince
From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)
In the Name of God Amen I Benjamin Prince of North Yarmouth in the County of York in New England Shiprigtht being weak of Body and senceable of my Approaching Desolution do make and Ordain this my Last Will and Testament being through the Mercy of God of A Sound and Disposing Mind and Memory I Commit my soul to God that gave it and my Body to a decent Christian Buriall att the discretion of my Executors hereafter named.
Imps I give unto my beloued Wife Abial Prince the Improvement of all my Lands Houseing and Meadows lying in the township of North Yarmouth dureing her Continueing my Widdow and in case she should see meet to alter her Condition by Marrying them to have the Sum of One Hundred Pounds out of the moveable Estate as it prised.
Item I give unto my Eldest son Benjan Prince my Best Gun and two Rights or Shares in all my whole Estate both Real and personall.
Item I give unto my second son Paul Prince my second Gun and one Right or share in all my whole Estate both Real and personall.
Item I giue unto my third son Silvanus Prince my Third Gun and one Right or share in all my whole Estate both Real and Personall.
Item I Give unto my fourth Son John Prince my fourth Gun and one Right or Share in all my whole Estate both Reall and Personall.
Item I give unto my Daughter Sarah Prince one Right or Share in all my whole Estate both Real and PersonallItem I give unto my second Daughter Ruth Prince one Right or share in all my whole Estate both Reall and Personall.
Item I give unto my Youngest Daughter Lidia Prince one Right or Share in all my whole Estate both Real and PersonallIt is my Will and to be Understood that notwithstanding this Will none of my Childred have the Use or Improvement of any of the Estate which I have here by given unto them untill after the decease or Marriage of my said Wife
I do hereby Appoint my loving Wife Abial Prince and my Eldest Son Benjan Prince Joynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament : Dated the thirtieth day of Novemr 1727
Benja Prince (Seal)
Signed sealed and Declared by the said Benja Prince to be his last Will and Testament in presence of us Samll Fotman David Stevens Barnabas Seabury | ![]() | |
Probated 7 Jan. 1737-8. Inventory returned 29 Dec. 1737 at £692: 17: 0 by David Seabury, Barnabas Seabury and David Stevens appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 396, citing Probate Office, 5, 101. |
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