The Will of Alexander Junkins
From York County Probate Records, Volume Five (1725-42)
The last Will & Testament of Alexander Junkins of York in ye County of York in New-England Yeoman made this twenty first Day of February Anno Domini 1735. As to the worldly Goods which God in his kind Providence has been pleased to bless me with I Dispose of ye same as follows after my Just Debts & Funeral Charges are paid.
first I give & bequeath to my faithful and welbeloved Wife Catharine all that Lot of Land whereon I now dwell wch was my Father's Homestead with ye Dwelling House & Barn thereon to hold during ye term of Her natural Life besides her Right of Dower & thirds according to Law in all ye Rest of my Estate Real & Personal & also the Use and Improvement of all my Personal Estate after Debts &c Discharged during her Life provided that if she Shall see Cause to marry She shall have no more of my Estate Real or Personal than Her Thirds according to Law.
Item. I give & bequeath to my Son Joseph all that Tract of Land whereon he now Dwells containing about seventy Acres, also a Parcle of Marsh containing about four Acres lying at a Place called Curtis's Cove to hold to him & his Heirs & Assigns for ever.
Item. I give & bequeath to my other Son Alexander those Parcels of Land I bought of mr Jeremiah Moulton & Constant Rankin containing in both Parcles about Thirty Acres lying betwixt ye Country Road & ye River near the great Bridge with ye Barn thereon & also ye salt Marsh thereunto adjoyning containing about two Acres also about three acres of salt Marsh lying on ye South west side of ye River over against ye Land aforesd which I bought of mr Jno Woodbridge also that parcle of Land granted to me & my two Brothers (whose part I have bought) as an addition to our Fathers Homestead containing about twenty acres also ye whole of ye sd Homestead after his Mothers Decease to hold to him & his Heirs forever.
Item I give & bequeath to my sd two Sons all the rest of my Marsh both Salt & fresh not before mentioned & all my Shares in the Common Land in York to be equally Divided between them to hold in severalty to them & their Heirs & assigns for ever.
Item To my Eldest Daughter Mary Carlile (besides what I have already done for Her) I give what Interest is due to me from her Husband on several Bills I have against him for ye sum of one Hundred & Eighty Two pounds in all & also the Use & Improvement of ye sd One Hundred & Eighty Two pounds till Her son John comes of Age & ye Use of Eighty Two pounds thereof during Life.
Item I give to my Daughter Martha Preble thirty six pounds it being the same sum due to me from her Husband for certain Cattle he had of me besids what he has already received.
Item I give & bequeath to my Youngest Daughter Mercy One Hundred pounds to be paid out of my moveables after her mothers Decease or sooner if my Executors hereafter named shall see meet.
Item. I give & bequeath to my Grandson John Carlile One Hundred & Eighty Two pounds, One Hundred pounds part thereof to be paid out of the money due on Bills from his Father when he shall come of Age & Eighty two pounds more to be paid out of ye Money due as aforesd after his Mothers Decease provided always the sd John live with & be helpfull & Dutifull to his Grand Mother my wife aforesd till he come of age or till her Decease.
Item It is my Will that what of Personal Estate may be left after my Wifes Decease & her Debts & Funeral Charges paid shall be equally Divided among my three Daughters & the Legal Representatives of such of them as may then be Deceasd.
Lastly. I Do hereby appoint & Constitute my wife Catharine & my Son Joseph the Executors of this my last will & Testament. memorandum before signing I further declare it to be my will that my son in Law John Carlile on his paying the One hundred Eighty two pounds aforesd shall have all ye Lands for which he has made Deeds to me on Record the true Design & Intent of sd Deeds being to secure ye payment of sd money with Interest.
In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my Hand & Seal ye Day & year above written.
Signed sealed published & pronounced by Alexander Junkins afore named as his last will & Testament in Presence of Us wittnesses. John Curtis John Newman Abigail X Curtis her mark | ![]() | Alexander + Junkins (seal) his mark |
Probated 18 January 1736-7. Inventory returned 14 July 1738, at £2061: 7: 6, by Samuel Came, James Grant and Joseph Plaisted, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 381, citing Probate Office, 5, 71. |
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