The Will of William Fernald, Sr.
From York County Probate Records, Volume Four (1677-1734)
In the Name of God Amen June the 15th Day 1724 in ye Tenth of King George ouer Great Brittain &c I William Fernald Senr of Kittery in the County of York within ye Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England being Aged & in an ill habbet of Body but of Sound and Perfect Memory : (Praise be given to God for ye Same) & knowing ye oncertainty of this life on Earth and being Desirous to Setle Things in order, Do make this my last Will & Testament in Manner and form following that is to Say first and Principally I commend my Soul to Allmighty God my Creator, Assuredly belieuing that I shall Receive full Pardon & free Remission of all my Sins & be Saved by ye Precious Death & Merits of my blessed Saviour & Redeemer Christ Jesus & my body to ye Earth from whence it was taken to be buried In Such Desent & Christian Manner as to my Executors hereafter named Shall be thought meet and Convenient & as Touching Such worldly Estate as ye Lord in Mercy hath Lent me my Will and Meaning is, the Same Shall be Imployed & bestowed as hereafter by this my Will is Expressed : and first I do Reuoke Renounce frustrate and make Void all Wills by me formerly made, And Declare & Appoint this my Last Will and Testament.
Item I give & bequeath unto my Eldest Son William Fernald & his Male Heirs Lawfully begotten yt Island whereon I formerly Dwelt Commonly called or known by ye Name of lay clain Island with ye Dweling House & all out Housing Gardins orchards & all other ye Priviledges & Appurtenances thereunto belonging I having given him ye one half of sd Island when I first Left it & went over to ye Main to Live ye other half I give & Resign to him Now he paying me fifty pounds for ye Stage point According to a Greement, and to pay me one Hundred pounds more in Currant Passable money of New England at or before ye first Day of June Next Ensuing ye Date hereof and to Summer me and my Wife Elizabeth During our Naturall lives Twelve Sheep Yearly : & to provide and bring in place at my house a Proportionable part of fire wood which I and yr Mother May have occation to Burn with ye rest of yr four Brothers Yearly During my & my Wifes Natural Life.
Item I give & bequeath after my & my Wife Elizabeth our Decease, unto my Two Sons Benjamin Fernald and Ebenezer Fernald & to yr Male Heirs Lawfully begotten : My Homesteed ffarm Containing abovt Eighty five Acres of Land be ye Same more or Less with ye Dwelling house out housing & Barn Garden orchards and all other ye Priviledges & appurtenances of one kind or another thereunto belonging or in any ways appertaining to them and there Heirs lawfully begotten forever and to be Equally Divided betwixt them ye said Benjamin Fernald & Ebenezer Fernald they or their heirs lawfully begotten paying one Hundred pounds that is to say Benjamin Fernald & his Heirs to pay to my Daughter Elizabeth Dearing or to her Children fifty pounds in Currant passable money in New England within ye Space of three Year Next Eusuing after my Decease and my Son Ebenezer Fernald & his Heirs to pay to my Daughter Temperance More or her Children fifty pounds in Currant passable Money of New England within ye Space of three Years Next Ensuing after my Decease Furthermore my Said Sons Benjamin & Ebenezer Fernalds Shall forthwith Repair and make up all ye fences about & belonging to the Said Farm and ye Dwelling house to be repaired by them so as to make it comfortable to Dwell in and Shall cut and make & house all ye fodder that Shall be growing on ye Said Farm this Present Year and also shall have ye use of ye oxen on ye said place this Present Year and then afterwards they Shall have ye whole farm and Stock of Cattle with ye oxen Yeilding & paying ye one half of ye produce thereof to me and my wife during our Natural lives Excepting & reserving to my own & my Wives use and Improvement during our Naturall lives the orchard that is on ye said Farm and my said Sons Benjamin & Ebenezer Fernalds shall plow plant & Sow and Manage ye Said Farm as any other person Might do If it were leased & rented out to them and my Said Sons Benjamin & Ebenezer shall provide & bring in place to my house their Proportion of fire Wood which I & my Wife may have occation to burn with the rest of their brethren Yearly during mine & my wives Natural life and after mine & my wives decease my abovesaid Sons Benja & Ebenezr Fernalds Shall be possest Quietly & peaceably of ye whole farm with the orchard for ever on the Conditions above said the Said farm to be Divided in Equal Shares between them.
Item I give and bequeath to my Two Sons Nathaniel Fernald and Tobias Fernald and to their Male Heirs lawfully begotten by them all that my farm or Tract of Land with a Dwelling house and barn thereon lying & being at ye head of Spruce Creek in ye Township of Kittery forever ye Said Farm Containing abovt one hundred acres be it more or less According as it is butted & bounded with all the Priviledges & Appurtenances there unto belonging to them & their Heirs forever after ye Decease of me & my wife to be divided between them my Said Sons in Equal Shares or portions, and I Do hereby order & appoint my Said Sons Nathaniel Fernald & Tobias Fernald their Heirs lawfully begotten by them to pay as followeth that is to say my Son Nathaniel Fernald or his Heirs Shall pay to my Daughter Margarett Cotton Deceased, her Children fifty pounds in Currant passable money in New England within ye Space of three Years Next Ensuing after ye Decease of me and my wife to be Divided in Equal Shares among them and my Son Tobias Fernald or his Heirs Shall pay to my Daughter Sarah Dam or her Children fifty pounds in Currant money in New England within ye Space of three Years Next Ensuing after ye Decease of me and my wife & further more my two said Sons Nathaniel & Tobias Fernald or their Heirs Shall provide & bring in place to my house their Proportion of fire wood which I and my wife may have occation to burn with ye rest of their Brethren during mine & my wives Natural Life.
Item I giue to my Daughter Elizabeth Dearing & to her Children fifty pounds in Currant passable money in New England to be paid to her or them by my Said Son Benjamin or his Heirs within ye Space of three Years Next Ensuing after mine and my wives Decease
Item I give to my daughter Temperance More & to her Children fifty pounds in Currant Money passable in New England to be paid to her or them by my sd Son Ebenezer Fernald or his heirs within ye Space of three Years Next Ensuing after mine and my wives Decease.
Item I give to ye Children of my daughter Margret Cotton Deceast fifty pounds in Currant passable money in New England to be paid to them & Divided in Equal Shares among them by my Said Son Nathaniel Fernald or his Heirs within three Years Space after ye Decease of me & my wife
Item I give to my Daughter Sarah Dam & her Children fifty pounds in Currant Passable Money in New England to be paid to her or them by my sd Son Tobias Fernald or his heirs within ye Space of three Years Next Ensuing after Mine and my wives Decease.
Item I give to my Daughter Lydia Fernald & to Such as Shall legally Represent her fifty pounds in Currant passable money in New England to be levied & raised out of my Estate not herein above or before Disposed off to be paid to her by my Executrix within ye Space of four Years Next Ensuing after my Decease
Item I Give to my Grandaughter Elizabeth More fifty pounds in Currant passable Money in New England to be levied & raised out of my Estate not herein above or before Disposed of & paid to her by my Executrix within ye Space of four Years Next Ensuing after my decease.
Item It is my Will & desire that whensoever it Shall please Allmighty God to call and remoue my selfe or wife or both out of this world by death that my five Sons William Fernald Benjamin Fernald Ebenezer ffernald Nathaniel Fernald & Tobias Fernald be at ye Charge of Decently burying us as they Shall Think fit and at ye place where I do appoint that is to Say Near the Barn on the Northerly End thereof in my home stead farm the Charge of our interment to be born in Equall Shars by my abovesd Sons and their Heirs.
Item I Give to my Dearly beloved Wife Elizabeth Fernald all the remainder of my Estate both real and personal not in these presents or heretofore by me Disposed off wheresoever & whatsoever together with the one half of the incom or produce of my farm whereon I now Dwell & of my Farm at Spruce Creek above mentioned for her Comfortable Support during her Naturall life and to Dispose of as She in her prudence Shall See fit among our above Named Children & Grand Children or those that legally Represent them.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal.
Memorandm ye word Senr of between ye Second & third line & male between ye Ninteenth & Twentieth line and ye word Next between ye twenty Eighth & twenty ninth line in ye first page & male between the fourth & fifth line & pay to between ye twelfth & thirteenth line in page 2d and Grand Children between ye twenty Sixth & twenty Seventh line in the fourth page were interlined before Signing.
Signed Sealed Published pronounced and Declared by the said William Fernald as his last Will & Testament in Presence of us the Subscribers. M Hunking John Newmarch Tobias Langdon Richard Cutt | ![]() | William Fernald (Seal) |
Probated 2 Sept. 1728, Inventory returned at £2674: 15: 0 by Richard Cutt, Robert Cutt and Withers Berry, appraisers 25 Sept. 1728. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 295, citing Probate Office, 4, 2. |
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