The Will of Joseph Storer
From York County Probate Records, Volume Four (1677-1734)
In the Name of God Amen The Twentyeth day of Febry 172½ I Joseph Storer of Wells in the County of York in the province of Massachusetts Bay in New England Yeoman Being Aged and Infirm in Body But of perfect mind and memory thanks be to God For it Calling to mind my own Mortallity & Knowing that it is appointed to man once to Dye Do make and Ordain this my last Will & Testament That is to Say Principally and first of all I recommend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it & my body to the Earth to be buried in Decent Christian Buriel at the Discresion of my Executor hereafter Named Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrectiou I Shall receive the Same again by the mighty power of God And as Touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased the Lord to bless me in this life I Giue bequeath and Dispose of the Same in the Form, and manner Following Vizt Imprimis My Will & Desire is that all my Iust and Lawfull Debts be duely and Honnestly paid by my Executor hereafter Named & that they be paid out of my Moveable Estate.
Item I Give & bequeath to my Dearly Beloved Wife Hannah Storer the one halfe of my personal Estate to be at her own Disposall as also the one halfe of my Real Estate Vizt Housing Lands Meadow Mills barns Dureing her Natural life.
Item I Give to my beloved Son Ebenezar Storer one hundred pounds in Good Contrey pay to be paid to him by my Executor within Two Years Next after my Decease Over and above what I have already Given him.
Item I Give and bequeath to my beloved Son Seth Storer one hundred pounds in Good Countrey pay pay [sic] to be paid by my Executor within Two Years Next after my Decease Over and above what I have already given him.
Item I Give & bequeath to my Beloved Daughter Hannah Hammond Tenn pounds in Good Countrey pay to be paid by my Executor within Two Years Next after my Decease Over and above what I have already given her.
Item I Give & bequeath unto my beloved Daughter Sarah Colbourn Tenn pounds in good Countrey pay to be paid by my Executr within Two Years next after my Decease Over and above what I have already given her.
Item I Give & Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Mary St Germain Fifty pounds in good Contrey pay upon Condition that She return from under the French Government & Settle in New England Otherwise if She doth not returne Then I Give & bequeath to her the Sum of Tenn Shillings in Countrey pay to be paid by my Executor within Two Years Next after my Decease over and above what I have already given her.
Item I Give and Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Abigail Littlefield tenn pounds in good Countrey pay to be paid by my Executor within Two Years Next after my Decease Over & above what I have alread Given her.
Item I Give & Bequeath to my beloved Daughter Kezia Plummer tenn pounds in Good Countrey pay to be paid by my Executor within Two Years Next after my Decease Over and above What I have already given her
Item I Give & Bequeath to my beloved Son John Storer the One halfe of all my Real Estate Vizt Housing Lands Meadow Mills barn Imediately att and after my Decease And the other halfe at and after the Decease of Hannah Storer my Dearly beloved wife to him and his Heirs of his Body forever And if he Should Dye without Isue I Give and Bequeath it to my Son Ebenezr Storer and the Heirs of his Body & through Default of Isue in my Son Ebenezar Storer I Then Give and bequeath it to my Son Seth Storer and his Heirs forever And in Case my Son Seth Storer Should Dye without Issue Then my will is that it Shall return to my Daughters or their Lawfull Representatives to them and their Heirs forever
Likewise I Give & bequeath to my Son John Storer the one Moiety or halfe of my Personal Estate whether goods or Chattels bills Bonds or any Lawfull Debts to me due.
And I Do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint my Said Son John Storer to be the Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and Do hereby revoke and Dissannul all other former Wills & Testaments by me made & Do hereby Ratify and Confirm this and no other to be my last and Testament In Wittness whereof I have hereto Set my hand and Seal the day & Year above written
Signed Sealed Published pronounced and Declared by the abovesaid Joseph Storer to be his last Will & Testament In ye presence of us the Subscribers. Samuel Hatch Samuel Hatch junr Samll Emery | ![]() | Joseph Storer (Seal) |
Probated 13 Feb. 1729-30. Inventory returned 20 Oct. 1730, at £1481: 8: 0, by Samuel Wheelwright, Thomas Wells and Samuel Tredwell, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 305, citing Probate Office, 4, 58. |
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