The Will of John Belcher
From York County Probate Records, Volume Four (1677-1734)
In The Name of God Amen the Seventeenth Day of February Annoque Domini one thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty nine thirty I John Belcher of Kitte[r]y in ye County of York within his Majts Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England Joyner Formerly of Boston in ye County of Suffolk Eldest Son of Josiah Belcher of Boston aforesaid Deceased being Aged and weak but of Perfect memory and not knowing ye Day of my Death Do make and ordain this to be my Last Will and Testment first and Principally I Do Humbly Resign my Soul To God that Gave it me and my Body to the Earth to be Decently Interred at ye Discreation of my Executor hereafter named hoping Through ye Mercy of ye Lord Jesus Christ to have a Glorious Resurrection to Life Eternal and as to such worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless in this Life I Give and Dispose thereof in the Manner following Vizt Whereas I the said John Belcher have lived at the House of Mr Charles ffrost in Kittery near about forty years and have been Comfortably Supported and Provided for no Relations or other Persons whatsoever haveing Done any thing for my help or Comfort at any Time since I have lived in the Eastern parts but ye said Charles ffrost and his father and Grand father and now in my old age and helpless Condition I am Comfortably Supported and Provided for with Convenient food and Raiment and other Necessaryes of Life by ye Said Charles ffrost I Give and Bequeath unto him the Said Charles ffrost (whome I Do hereby Constitute and appoint ye sole and only Executor to this my Last Will and Testament) all my Estate Either in houses or Lands or other Moveable Goods and Chattels & Credits Tools and Moneys and all my Right Title Interest Propriety Claim or demand of in or to any Estate whether Real or Personal in Possession or Reversion whether it be by Decent or Purchase or any way whatsoever all ye Remainder or Remainders & Inheritance to me belonging in any place or places within ye Kings Dominions Nothing Excepted or Reserved but I Give all to him ye Said Charles ffrost his Heirs and assigns forever to be Siezed and Possessed therereof Immediately after my Decease and I Do hereby make and appoint him the said Charles ffrost to be my Sole and only Heir in all Respects to Inherit all and whatsoever is or Shall be mine at any Time Whether Lands Tenements or Hereditaments be the Same more or Less Revoking and Declaring to be Null and Void all and Every former or other Will or Wills Testaments Legacies or Bequests Heirs and Executors by me before named Either by word or writing Declaring this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament In Wittness where of I the said John Belcher have hereunto Set my hand and Seal ye Seventh Day of February abovesd in the Third Year of the Reign of King George ye Second/
Signed Sealed Published Pronovnced & Declared by ye said John Belcher to be his Last Will & Testament In Presence of us. Joseph Hodsdon Benja Welch Iunr Kathrine X Somes her mark Noah Emery | ![]() | John Belcher (Seal) |
Probated 9 April 1731. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 330, citing Probate Office, 4, 130. |
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