The Will of Gabriel Hambleton
From York County Probate Records, Volume Four (1677-1734)
In the Name of God Amen the Twenty Second day of September in the third Year of the Reigne of King Georg the Second Over great Brittian &ct Annoque Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty Nine I Gabriel Hambleton of Berwick in the County of York within his Majesties Province of the MassatS Bay in N : England Yeoman Being by the providence of God in a Low Condition of Body as to health & not knowing how Soon it may please God to Remove me out of this world by Death and Considering the Mortallity of my body that I must Certainly dyeDo make and Ordain this my last Will & Testament in Manner following Vizt
First I Give and Freely Surrender up my Soul to God that gave it to me hopeing for mercy from him in and Through Jesus Christ and my body I Bequeath to the Earth till the Resurrection Decently to be Intered as my Executrix hereafter Named Shall Think fit and as to Such worldly Estate as God has been pleased to Bless me with I Give and Dispose thereof as Followeth Vizt
Imprimiss I Give and bequeath to Indith my well beloved wife all my house and land where I now live with the Barn Orchard & Appurtinances For and Dureing the full Term of Tenn Years from the Date hereof And from the End of Said Term of Tenn Years from this Date my said Wife Shall have one halfe of my land where I live as aforesaid and all the House and halfe the barn for and Dureing the Term of her Widowhood But if She Shall Marry at any time after my Decease then She Shall have but only her Dower or thirds Dureing her life.
I also Give to my said Wife all all the Income of the Stock of Cattle and other Creatures that I shall have at my Decease Dureing the aforesaid Term of Tenn Years and at the End of Said Term the one halfe of the principal Stock and the other halfe to be my Son Jonathan and all other personal Estate of mine My sd Wife Shall have dureing Said Term of Tenn Years and at the End of Said Term to be Divided Equally Between my Said Wife & my Said Son Jonathan.
Item I Give & bequeath to my Two Sons Gabriel & John Eighty Acres of Land in Berwick aforesaid at a place Called the great Hill which was Laid out to me by Virtue Grants made by the Town of Kittery to me & others of whome I purchased to Say Each of my Said Sons an Equall part thereof in Severalty to themselves their Heirs & Assignes forever
Item I Give & Bequeath to my Son Jonathan My housing Barn & Lands at the home place where I now live Excepting what I Shall Give to my Daughters Hannah & Mary out of the Same he my Said Son Ionathan to be possest When the forementioned Term of Ten Years is Expired of one halfe thereof & halfe the Stock of Creatures Moveable Goods being the personal Estate aforesaid & of the other halfe of the Said Real Estate at the Expiration of my Wifes Widowhood & life as is before Expressed and he my sd Son Ionathan Shall pay to my five Daughters Namely Patience Kathrine Martha Margaret & Ollive Each of them Tenn pounds in money or Cattle at a Just Vallue within Twelve months after the Decease of my Wife & the time of his haveing the whole of the Estate herein Given him
Item I Give and bequeath to Mary my Eldest Daughter by my Said Wife Iudith the Sonth End of the New part of my Dwelling house being the Biggest room & Chamber Over it to be possest thereof after the Decease of my Said Wife & the End of the Said Tenn Years Before Mentioned with the priviledge of passing in and out at the Door and up & Down the Stairs Together with the Ground it Stands on to her the Said Mary her Heirs & Assignes in Fee Simple forever
Item I give and Bequeath to Hannah my Eldest Daughter by my first Wife the North End of the New part of my Dwelling house being the least End of the Same & Chambr over it to be possest thereof after the Decease of my my Said Wife & the End of the Said Tenn Years before Mentioned She my Said Daughter Hannah and my Daughter Mary aforesd to have the Liberty & priviledge of the Door Entry and Stairs Equally Betwixt them & my Said Daughter Hannah Shall have the Land that part of ye house Stands upon with the Said part of the house to Her, her Heirs & Assignes in Fee Simple forever.
Item I Give to my Daughter Patience one Silver Spoon & to my Daughter Kathrine a gold Ring which were my first Wifes.
Item I make Constitute and Ordain my Said Wife Sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament hereby Utterly revokeing Dissannulling and Makeing Void and of none Effect all manner of Wills Legacies & Bequests by me before made Ratifying this & no other to be my last Will & Testament In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day abovesaid.
Signed Sealed Published pronounced & Declared by the Said Gabriel Hambleton to be his last Will & Testament after ye words [and all the house and halfe the barne] in the first page & [with ye said part of the house] in the Second page was Interlin'd Presence of us Alexander Farguson junr Samll Shory Iunr Noah Emery. | ![]() | Gabriel Hambleton (Seal) |
Probated 6 April 1730. Inventory returned 9 May 1730, at £726: 7: 0, by John Hupper, Job Emery and Nicolas Gowen, appraisers; to be added property at New London, Conn.; and personal estate £10: 4:28 Feb. 1729-30, by Thomas Williams and Thomas Strickland, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 302, citing Probate Office, 4, 57. |
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