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Maine Wills


The Will of Benjamin Preble

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Four (1677-1734)

   In The Name of God Amen I Benjamin Preble of York in ye County of York in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England being of Sound mind and memory Do make this my Last Will and Testament this Sixteenth Day of December in ye Year of our Lord 1723. first & above all I Commend my Spirit unto God that Gave it as a faithfull Creator & my Mercifull Father in Iesus Christ and then I Commit my Body to the Dust Decently to be Buried by my Executrix hereafter Named in hope of a Glorious Resurrection to Life Eternal. and as for my worldly Estate which God has Graciously Given I Dispose of It in Manner Following after my Debts and funeral Cost is Paid.

   Imprimis I Give my Beloved Wife Mary (besides her thirds according to the Laws of this Province) the use of the one half of my Dwelling House & Barn & orchard During her natural life and if she shall Need it to have ye Vse of ye whole Dwelling House.

   Item I Having already Given unto my Eldest Son John all my Land at Scituate in York and the one half of my Part in the Saw Mill there : I Do Give him or Confirm to him the other half of my Part in said Mill after ye Decease of my Self & Wife.

   Item I Give and Bequeath unto my three Daughters Hannah Judith & Abigail Ten pounds Each thirty pounds the whole to be paid by my Youngest Son Jedediah.

   Item I Give & bequeath unto my Said Youngest Son Jedediah all my Home Stead Land Dwelling House Barn & orchard together with my whole Stock of Catle sheep &c : after his Mothers Decease

   I also Give and bequeath unto my said Son Jedediah all that my Thirty acres Grant wch lyeth above my Home place towards Scituate between ye Land of James Grant and the Land of Josep Bean and further I Give and Bequeath unto my Said Youngest Son Jedediah all my Ten acres of fresh Meadow Lying on ye Brook wch Runs Through Joseph Bragdons & Joseph Wears Meadow about a Mile above sd Bragdons and Wears Meadow.

   Finally I make and Constitute my Wife aforesaid ye Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament.

   In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day Year above written.

Signed Sealed & Delivered
   Published Pronovnced and
   Declared by Benjamin Preble
   abovesaid to be his last Will
   and Testament in Presence of
   Nathaniel Leeman
   Mary Leeman
   Samuel Moodey
Benjamin Preble (Seal)
   Probated 17 Oct. 1732. Inventory returned 5 May 1732, at £161: 6: 0, by Joseph Moulton, James Grant and Jonathan Bean, appraisers.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 336, citing Probate Office, 4, 146.

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