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Maine Wills


The Will of Baker Nason

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 From York County Probate Records, Volume Four (1677-1734)

   In the Name of God Amen the Sixth day of January Anno Domini Seventeen Hundred and Twenty four/ 5 I Baker Nason of Berwick in ye County of York and within his Majestyes Province of ye Massachusetts Bay in New England house Carpenter being at present of perfect Mind and Thanks be Giuen unto God but Calling unto Mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for All Men once to Dye do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament That is to say principally and first of all I Giue and Recomend my Soul into the hands of God that Gave it and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be Buried in Decent Christian burial at ye Discretion of my Executrs nothing Doubting but at the Generall Resurrection I Shall Receive ye Same Again by ye Mighty power of God and Touching Such worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me in this Life, I Give Demise and Dispose of the Same in the following Manner and form—

   Imprimiss I give and bequeath To Elizabeth my Dearly beloued wife the whole Income of all my Estate both of buildings and Lands both homested and out Lands to her own use During her Naturall life with all Moueables.

   Item I Give unto my Three Sons Samuel John & Joseph all my whole Estate In houses barn orchard homestead out Lands and Meadow Ground to be Equally Divided among them only my Son Samuel to have the first Choice the funerall Charges and all Debts to be Paid out of ye Moveable if Sufficient if not out of my other Estate, and If Either of my Said Sons Should Dye without Issue then the Estate to Return to the other Sons Equally to them and their Issue forever and the Legacys hereafter Named Shall be paid Equally by my sd three Sons Samuel John and Joseph.

   Item I give unto my Seven Daughters Patience, Elizabeth Sarah Hepsebeth Lydia Mary and Prudence and my Granddaughter Mary five pounds in Money, a pice to be paid Two Years after my Youngest Son Comes of Age.

   Item I give unto my Grandson Stephen and to his Heirs for ever a Peice of Land about an acre joyning on the End of that Land his father Wood bought of Benjamin Nason up towards the High way Leading to Kittery and Bounded on an Elm Stump about West from the high way or howsoever otherways Bounded. and I do hereby Constitute make and ordain my said wife Elizabeth to be my Executrix and my sd Son Samuel to be my Executor to this my last Will and Testament of all and Singular Lands House Barn Living Messuage, and Tenements by me Possessed and Enjoyed and I Do hereby Utterly Disallow Revoke and Disannull all and Every other Wills Legucies and bequests and Executors by me in any ways before Named willed and bequested Ratifing and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament.

   In witness whereof I haue hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and Year above written.

Signed Sealed Published
   Pronovnced and Declared
   By the sd Baker Nason
   as his last Will & Testament
   In ye Presence of us ye Subscribers
   William X Hearl Junr
         his mark
   Walter Abbott
   John Bradstreet
Baker X Nason (Seal)
     his mark
   Probated 30 June 1729, Inventory returned at £674: 19: 0 by James Grant, Benja Libby and Richard Lord, appraisers 9 Sept. 1729.

Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 300, citing Probate Office, 4, 28.

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