The Will of William Larraby
From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)
This the last Will & Testament of William Larraby
First I Commit my Spirit to God that gave it and my body to the Earth to be decently buryed First I Give my wellbeloved Son Stephen Larraby my dwelling and land which Contains one hundred Acres with all my marsh or meadow my aforesaid son to pay all my Lawfull Debts, I Give to my Wife Kathrine Larraby the third part of my Estate I Give to my Eldest Daughter Bethiah Look Six pounds I Give to my Daughter Sarah Larraby one Cow and Calfe & Six pounds in money I Give to my Daughter Easter Larraby a heiffer of Two Years old and Six pounds in money I Give to my aforesd Wife Twenty in money I Give to my aforesd Son all my right and Interest in North, Also I Give to my Said Son the remainder of my Estate that is not Disposed of already. I Do also Appoint Said Son to be my Executr allso I Do Will that my Son pay the Legacys with three Years after ye Date hereof the money to be paid in Currant or Mowing land where I have Set to my hand and Seale this Twenty fifth day of Aprill one Thousand Seven hundred and Twenty & Seven 1727.
Signed Sealed & Delivered In presence of Ebenezer Emons Thomas X Wormwood his mark Edward X Evens his mark | ![]() | William Larraby (Seal) his mark I also give to my daughter Sarah Larraby forty Acres of Land I Give to my Daughter Easter Larraby forty Acres of Land This was Interlined before Sin'd. |
Probated, 8 Aug. 1727. Inventory returned 8 Aug. 1727, at £362: 5: 0, by Ebenezer Emmons, Thomas Wormwood and Edward Evins, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 287, citing Probate Office, 3, 243. |
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