The Will of William Grant
From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)
In the Name of God Amen William Grant of the Town of Berwick in the County of York in his Majts Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England Considering his own Mortallity & his Circomstances at present being Suposed by him and others to be in a very Dangerous Condition but of Sound and Disposing Sence & Memory Blessed be God for it do make this my Last Will & Testament in manner as followeth Vizt first and Principally I Commit my Soul to God that gave it me hopeing through the Merits of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to obtain pardon and Remission of all my Sins and my body I Commit to the Earth from whence it was Taken to be decently buried at the Discression of the Executors to this my Last Will & Testament and for this worlds Goods the Lord hath lent me after my Lawful Debts and funeral Charge is paid I give and bestow as Followeth.
1ly I Give unto my three Sons William Grant Alexander Grant and Charles Grant all my homesteed Lott of Land with the house barn & orchard Standing thereon and also all my out Lands Swamps & Meadows whatsoever I have or ought to have to be Equally Divide to and amoung my aforesd three Sons they paying to my Daughter Martha their Sister thirty pounds that is to Say ten pounds Each of them.
2ly I Give and bequeath unto my Loving wife Martha the whole vse profit and Income of my homsteed Lott of Land with the house and barne & Orchard Standing thereon during the whole time & term She doth Continue and remain my Certain widow and all my personal Estate & Movable Goods I give unto her my aforesd wife and to be at her Disposing for ever.
3ly I do Constitute ordain & Appoint my Loving wife Martha and my Son William Grant to be the Executrix & Executors to this my Last Will & Testament Revoking and Renounsing all or any will or wills heretofore by me made or Suffered to be made. In Wittness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal this Twenty fourth day of may 1721
Signed Sealed published and Declared to be his Last Will & Testament in presents of us John Kye} John Kye Iunr} wittnesses William X Kye} his mark | ![]() | William X Grant (Seal) his mark |
Probated 27 Oct. 1722. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 230, citing Probate Office, 3, 92. |
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