The Will of Thomas Hayns
From York County Probate Records, Volume Three (1709-28)
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Hayns of York in ye County of York, Knowing it is appointed for all men to die and finding my Self full of bodyly Infermities not Expecting but a little time in this life make this my last Will and Testament being of a Sound Memory and in the first and Cheefe Place When near Approaching Change is Come by Death I humbly Resign my Soul into the hands of my Gloryfied Redeemer that gave it, and my body to ye Dust as it was in hopes of a Glorious Resurrection at ye Last day through the Merrits and Righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And as for the worldly welth that God hath given me my Will is that after my Decease My dear and Well beloved Wife Shall decently bury my body, and that she my Said wife Namely Lydia Hains Shall be ye Sole Executrix unto my Last Will and Testament and that She Pay all my Just Debts out of my Estate.
And I Will and bequeath unto my said Loving Wife Lydia Hayns after my Decease my funeral Charges and Debts being paid as abovesaid the over Plushage and remainder if any be I Do by these presents Give Grant and fully freely and absolutely make over and Confirm unto my said Wife all my whole Estate both Real and Personal both Land and Meadow Meadow Ground Dwelling house Barn out house in York or else where with all my Personal Estate of Chattels Cattle Sheep Swine or any and all my Moveables within dores and without with all the Rights and Priviledges and advantages and Appurtinances belonging to the Same or any Part or percel thereof or that Ever may Redownd unto ye Same or any part or parcel thereof or that Ever may Redound unto ye Same or any part or parcel thereof, Unto her the Said Lydia Hayns and her Heirs and Assignes for ever. To Have and to Hold and Quiatly and Peacably to Ocupie & Injoy the Same as a Good and Sure Estate in fee Simple to her and their only Vse bennifit and behoofe forever without any Intaile Legacy or any Incumberment Whatsoever. In Wittness hereof I have hereunto Set my hand and seal of my own Voluntary free Will and Consent this Twentyeth day of June in ye Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and twenty one In the Seventh Year of his Majtys Reign &ct
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the presence of us as his Last Will and Testament John Ross Abram Preble Joseph X Hannay his mark | ![]() | Thomas Hayns (Seal) |
Probated 1 Oct. 1723. Inventory returned 28 Sept. 1723, at £279: 5: 0, by Abram Preble, Joseph Sayward and Jonathan Bane, appraisers. Source: Maine Wills, 1640-1760 (Portland, Me., 1887), p. 252, citing Probate Office, 3, 110. |
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